Colon Cleansing and Healthy Skin

Fitness Expert
Healthy skin requires a two-sided approach. It is not just a matter of cleansing and protecting your skin from the environment. Healthy skin also requires consistent cleansing from the inside. External skincare has its benefits, but good skin health can also depend on your digestive health and the proper elimination of waste from your system. Unless you are eating a healthy balanced diet and your system is consistently clearing waste from the body, your skin may appear sallow and dull, no matter what efforts you take for external skincare.

Many people suffer from skin eruptions and blemishes, dry patches, dull, thick and lifeless skin. One of the best ways to take care of your skin is to make sure that you eat a healthy diet that enhances digestion, absorption and elimination of food.

Good Skin Relies on Nourishment.
Eat a balanced diet which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eating at least one cup of green leafy vegetables a day can help to keep skin clear. Green leafy vegetables are known to provide condensed nutrition. They are rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and enzymes which aid proper digestion and assimilation of food. They are also known to have purifying properties. Citrus fruits provide Vitamin C which is an antioxidant that is needed for building and repairing tissues.

Avoid saturated fats, eating fast, fried or refined foods. Of the most harmful to your skin alcohol consumption and smoking rate high. Consuming too much sugar and caffeine in your diet can also age your skin faster. Many experts suggest avoiding carbonated beverages and drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

Good Skin Relies on Good Circulation.
Schedule a daily exercise regimen into your routine. Even a half hour of brisk walking can stimulate the circulation of blood and transport a good supply of oxygen to all organs, tissues and cells.1

Good Skin Relies on Beauty Sleep!
Get a good night's rest. Because of our stressful lifestyles, many people find it difficult to get a good night's sleep. Proper rest is necessary for skin health. During the night, the body rejuvenates itself. It is the time when the body repairs itself from the day's damage. Cell repair takes place and new cells are born. Sleep is a great stress reliever, too!

Good Skin Relies on a Good Herbal Colon Cleanse Program
Healthy, vibrant skin might be affected by regular and efficient elimination. Constipation can create a perfect breeding environment for harmful bacteria.. If you suffer from regular bouts of constipation or are not eating the right kinds of foods that help to purify the body, a good herbal cleanser can help you regulate your system for the elimination of waste.

Herbal colon cleansers contain herbs that aid digestion and absorption of nutrients. Natural ingredients such as senna leaves, chamomile flowers, peppermint leaves, aloe vera, rose hip fruit, cinnamon, ginger, and an assortment of fibers may help to cleanse the digestive system. of waste2, enhance digestion and absorption, and relieve constipation. These herbs aid the body's natural abilities and encourage proper evacuation of waste from your system. BeneCleanse from Natural Detox also provides nutritional maintenance to help strengthen eliminatory organs such as the liver, the kidneys, and the bowels.

Internal Skincare Reflects in the Mirror!
Eating a healthy diet, regular exercise, enough rest and a good herbal colon cleanser can help your body reflect in healthy, radiant skin!


1. Ann Epidemiol. 1997 Feb;7(2):137-45 . Physical activity and colon cancer: a public health perspective, Slattery ML, Edwards SL, Ma KN, Friedman GD, Potter JD. Department of Oncological Sciences
2. Vopr Pitan. 1998;(1):39-42. Dietary fibers in diet therapy. PMID: 9606867