
I was reading another post which had a link to this bodybuilding site. I looked around and read about ZMA, and it's supposed to help a lot. Chances are it's all just hype, but i decided why not give it a try, since it's relatively inexpensive anyway? Has anyone tried this? If so, how were your results? And it says to not take it with calcium. So if i take it about an hour before i go to sleep, then drink 2 cups of milk like 5 minutes before i go to sleep, is that ok? Thanks for the feedback.
i've never taken it but many report better sleep with more vivid dreams while taking it. that would be worth it.

claims for increased T levels arent that accurate. it may help those with already low levels bring them up to normal levels, but it wont go over and above normal levels.
Yep, makes you sleep soundly, and will help support the body's natural production/natural levels of Test. keyword: natural
ZMA improves testosterone ABSORPTION - so if you're already producing healthy amounts of testosterone, but aren't feeling it, take this.

If you think your testosterone levels are low, then tribulus or tribestrin would be a better choice.

If you have plenty of testosterone, but it's being converted to estrogen (e.g., if you're starting to develop gyno - aka, bitch tits) there are other things to take.

Testosterone is a very basic male hormone, so there are a lot of ways that it can be deficient / acting wrongly in the body.
I say go for it, it is inexpensive. And now-a days you don't have too many options for Testosterone supps.
Ok i've been taking it for the past 2 days, and let me tell you, sleeping has been sooo much better. I remembered both dreams quite clearly, and i felt so refreshed when i woke up. I"ll keep you posted on anything else it does.
Been about 4 days since i've started using it, and i'm definitely noticing better sleep. And i remember all of my dreams too. Haven't seen any other effect though.
yea, LOL

some have said very vivid colorful dreams. not trippy flowers in your hair stuff but sometimes weird ;)
haha well come to think of it, some of them involved a lot of different things. everything kept changing. they were all good dreams though, not really weird, a lot of having good times with friends, then randomly changing to a concert, then Disneyland, stuff like that. ok kinda weird but interesting nonetheless!
This doesn't really make sense to me though, you're not supposed to take it with calcium apparently, but i always drink milk before i go to bed. What if i take the ZMA about an hour before i go to sleep, then 2 cups of milk like 5 minutes before i go to sleep?
Don't do it--you'll blow up! Nah, I don't know...