ZMA timed release?

Does ZMA have time release? like, are the capsules suppose to reach x far into the digestive system before they break? A friend of mine breaks his capsules with his teeth in the back of his mouth, then swallows.. because it's cool in a gangster sort of way :p

Another thing... for those of you who take ZMA, how big dosage do you take? One of my pills contain:
Zinc 10mg
Magnesium 150mg
Vit B6 3.5mg

The Norwegian instruction says 1pill a day as recommended dosage (however, in Norway you aren't allowed to recommend more.. by law) but the English label says 3 pill for men and 2 for women a day.. would 2 or 3 pills be kinda much with that much ingredient per pill?
since ZMA is not that amazing of a supplment, dont' over think it. I usually took 2 of the 3 pills needed for a serving, and slept like a baby. that's ZMA's biggest benefit...sleeping like a mofo.

it will NOT boost your test levels.
but malkore, ZMA are steroid! IT says "anabolic" right on the bottle! that means it are steroid right?? :D :p

Yeah, I just bought it for the sleeping, as I have major sleeping issues :p
I was just wondering about the dose thing.. found it a bit weird.
250mg B6? dude..
You should really check if taking too much of any of that can be harmful. I'm no expert, but you should check..
I was just looking at them 5 mins ago and seen this thread! Do they make you have a nice sleep or do they give bad dreams? Generally if i've trained hard enough I sleep fine but some nights i just cant get to sleep for ages. Is this the only benefit?
I was just looking at them 5 mins ago and seen this thread! Do they make you have a nice sleep or do they give bad dreams? Generally if i've trained hard enough I sleep fine but some nights i just cant get to sleep for ages. Is this the only benefit?

from what ive learnt from this forum, yes. They just improve sleep.

no testoterone boost or anything, although its good to think it does hehe
hmmmmmmmm, so what's better about ZMA compared to a sleeping pill?

I don't know anything about ZMA, except I think it's a magnesium supplement..

I already take a magnesium supplement pill, just a cheap over the counter walmart thing.
i make my own zma i take
500mg magnesium
250mg B6
50mg zinc

plus what i get from my multi.

Some people have reported temporary symptoms of peripheral neuropathy (tingling, numbness sensation, decreased sensation to touch or balance difficulties) when taking vitamin B6 in doses above 300 mg daily, especially if the nutrient is taken without other B complex vitamins. This vitamin shouldn't be taken without co-ingestion of equivalent doses of other B-complex vitamins. Just a thought for you..