ZMA tablets/capsules?

My mate is taking Maximuscle ZMA tablets at the moment. He takes one before bedtime on an empty stomach. He says that they are good and worth a try.
Has anyone tried ZMA or have any usful info on it?
Think a number of brands do ZMA tablets like Reflex, Maimuscle etc......
There are more important supliments to consider before ZMA, but its still a good supliment.

The more important thing to sort out is why your mate is going to bed on an empty stomach! There is no reason why anyone should be doing this. If your going to bed your not going to be eatting anything for 8hours, so your 1st and last meal of the day are the most important, even more so if your trying to add muscle.
foods or supplements with calcium will block the absorption of ZMA, so you do wanna avoid dairy foods at bedtime if you take ZMA

ZMA does: help you sleep soundly at night; increase the quantity of ejaculate (I'm serious); help you maintain your baseline testosterone levels
ZMA does NOT: significantly increase testosterone (despite what you read); pack on massive amounts of muscle

basically its not a make or break supplement. but, since zinc can become deficient depending on your diet and calcium intake when eating zinc rich foods/supplements, this supp. can help maintain those levels, which would help you achieve your natural testosterone levels, which is of course important for muscle building AND fat loss.