Sport ZMA & HRT

Sport Fitness
I am looking for some advice for my wife. She has been working out and would like something to help her sleep at night. I found that ZMA can help her sleep and help her recover from her workouts but there is an issue of concern. She had a hysterectomy a while back and is on HRT (hormone replacement therapy); ZMA is shown to increase Testosterone production. Anyone know if these will counteract each other and make both ineffective?
You should seek the advice of your physician giving the HRT; seeking medical advice on a forum is bad idea. I will say that the main reason why ZMA increases test. levels is because of the zinc. Studies have shown that athletes are usually low in zinc, which impacts your test. levels. I'd say the average person who is not low in zinc prob will not benefit a lot from ZMA and prob will not have that much affect on your wife's HRT treatments.

You might check out some powdered magnessium, it should work the same.