Weight-Loss Your weakness?



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Well.. You have to admit, we all have that one weakness no matter how strong you are. What is yours? And how do you try to stop yourself from diving into your cravings?

Over the course of my "diet" (lifestyle change as I like to call it..) I've lost 85 lbs. But there's this one food that I can't stop splurging on...

Dry cereal.

I can't help myself. Everytime I walk into the kitchen I have to grab a handful and much on them. Some days I eat 4 or 5 cups of cereal!! That's a good 600+ calories just in cereal.. But it's so good... So far it hasn't had any noticeable negative effects on my weight but still..

I tried limiting myself, I tried taking it out of the house altogether. But then when I am grocery shoppping.. It just somehow finds its way into my cart LOL.

How about you?
Junk food... chocolate, chips, even nuts. If they are there I will eat them. I had to stop buying it. Especially chocolate. Going to my sister's house is a nightmare. She has a pantry full of it!

Also... fresh bread from the bakery. I could just eat roll after roll with a bit of butter. Fresh bread is so soft and gooooood. Oh no :( I shouldn't be thinking about these things lol.
Any form of carbohydrate is my weakness. Bread, pasta, rice, cereal..... its all the same to my mouth- I can barely stop myself once I start.

I don't let myself have any of it now, I just eat too much of it and it scares me as I just cannot stop myself. You think I'd be underweight or malnourished at the rate I down stuff but nope, very healthy weight, otherwise healthy diet, theres no rhyme or reason.
chocolate. pretty unoriginal, but true. I go out of my way to buy good quality or dark chocolate, thinking I will eat less and savour more... guess what? it doesn't work :s So I have to keep it out of the house or I think about it constantly until I eat it.
mmm....chocolate. I have a serious weakness for all chocolate....plain chocolate, chocolate with caramel, chocolate with peanut butter, chocolate covered anything. Siiiiigh..now I want chocolate..hahaha!
Peanut butter and banana in a whole grain wrap. Even the smell of peanut butter leads to bad things right now...
Fast food mozzerella sticks, pepperoni pizza, and these cookies that Publix makes called "chocolate chip yo-yo cookies." The cookie is 2 big, soft chocolate chip cookies with about a 1/2 in. of frosting between them. Then half of the whole thing is dipped in chocolate.:drool5:
Caramel (I'll take caramel over chocolate any day), ice cream, pizza, cheese, bread, pasta and chips. Although it's easier to avoid the chips now that I don't drink soda.

I would have put soda as number one before February of this year, but since I've quit it, I don't really miss it that much.
Oreo cookie ice cream! No, not cookies and cream, I mean the ice cream where it is a big oreo cookie, and the middle is vanilla, or sometimes cookies and cream in the middle. I just love the combination of the huge cookie and the coolness of icecream in the middle, it just has a different taste and satisfaction than cookies and cream ice cream. I usually try to eat all the cookie from the regular ice cream.

Yesterday, I spotted a sweet potato pie already made in my mother's fridge. I hadn't had one since a few hours before I went into labor with my son almost ten months ago, and before I knew it, it was in my mouth.

It is hard to build up resistance to these so I try not to keep it in the house, or walk past it in grocery stores.
Carbs, definitely. I crave fruit, potatoes, honey in my tea, etc. I feel a lot better when I cut out simple carbs from my diet, but I crave them with a longing that is so hard to control sometimes.
I love butter tarts and can't refuse them! After my wedding we had 70 left over and for a whole week I ate like 3-4 a day and easily gained 5 pounds from butter tarts alone - they are so small and almost 500 cal each!
It's my favorite food, & it's so hard to avoid.
Whenever I go out with my friends, I eat pizza.
There's a pizza place located in my university.
The family loves pizza!
But, I have to admit it's been a solid two weeks since I've had a slice (or two).
I limit myself, but I don't deprive myself.
Depriving would just make me feel like I have to eat 394298 slices of pizza.
Nutella.. *sigh*.. been a weakness of mine since I was 3 years old hehe.. My nonna got me hooked!
Soda pop and potato chips used to be my weaknesses, but after giving them up for Lent this year, I haven't really had a craving for them since, so huzzah! I'm not weakness free, though. If I could (or would allow myself to), I'd just eat pizza and pasta all day everyday. I've been trying to switch to whole grain pasta and making my own pizza, but sometimes delivery is just too good to resist. I'm also a sucker for torrijas and churros, just can't say no if they're around.