Your Typical Day - Exercise & Diet

Hi All,

I know that everyone is different but I would be interested to know peoples typical day in terms of diet and exercise and what your aiming to do.

I eat regular cereal, low calorie snack bar, single sandwich and regular dinner. I jog for approx. 20 mins and do weights for a further 20 mins. I aim to lose 2 stone over six months.
I lift 3 days out of the week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My goal is to gain weight, so I try to eat as many calories as I need to gain a little weight each week. I should be doing more stuff, like drinking protein shakes, but I'm still in the process of developing my diet.
That's all you eat? That seems low. Do you know your MT line? What is a regular dinner? And a single sandwich (I'm going to assume you put cheese on it too)? Low calorie snack bars? You do know those things are probably loaded with sat fat?

As for my exercise, I usually go 3x weights day, 2-3x cardio days. If you want a good book, get New Rules of Lifting.

As for diet, I eat about 4-5 meals a day. Each meal is about 3-400 cals. I usually eat "natural food," such that you find the food in the wild, and you do not have to break down where it comes from more than 3 times. For example, chicken breast comes from chicken, we can establish that, but a piece of low calories snack bar probably has ingredients that have to be broken down more than 3 times in order to be in its natural state.
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I train almost every day. (5 or 6 days per week)

I eat like a starving polar bear in a baby seal camp. Anything and everything I can get my hands on.

Typical day looks like -

wake up

I work in between eating and training. :)

The time spent working out varies, some days 30 min. other days 2+ hours
Just eating 4-5 small meals a day does nothing if you eat like crap. Eating stuff like low calorie snack bar, or cereal with high sugar in it, will do the reverse effect. Eating smart meals, whether 3 times a day or 5 times a day, will be far better than eating food loaded with sat and trans fat. It would like eating happy meals all day.

Of course, it can be debated on whether or not it boost metabolism or not. However, it worked for me because I wasn't as hungry and you don't eat on impulse since you know you already ate.
Just eating 4-5 small meals a day does nothing if you eat like crap. Eating stuff like low calorie snack bar, or cereal with high sugar in it, will do the reverse effect. Eating smart meals, whether 3 times a day or 5 times a day, will be far better than eating food loaded with sat and trans fat. It would like eating happy meals all day.

Of course, it can be debated on whether or not it boost metabolism or not. However, it worked for me because I wasn't as hungry and you don't eat on impulse since you know you already ate.

So far I've managed to cut out all the crap like chocolate, loads of orange juice and cakes.

What do you have for meals? Such as breakfast?
Im really puzzled also:

I just found this website:

If i had the worse scenario to eat in one day

Corn Flakes, Crunchy Nut, Kelloggs 390.0kcal
Bacon and Egg, Bacon and Tomato, Sausage and Egg, Triple, Tesco 304.0kcal
Bacon, Back, Dry-Cured, Grilled + Baked Potato, Flesh & Skin 257.0kcal +136.0kcal

How many calories is this? 1067?

I should know this lol
It's not only about calories. Yes, it's calories in, vs calories out. But it also matters what those calories are from. Drinking soda, for example, is nothing but empty calories. They add up, but yet they provide no nutritional value. Same thing applies to cereal such as the ones you described.

Corn flake, for example, has High Fructose Corn Syrup, and loaded with sugar. Even the special K brand has the same ingredients as the regular ones.

And not only that, I'm sure you add milk too right? Is it low fat milk? Milk is loaded with high fat, and just a little can make you go over your daily fat needs.

If you like cereal, try something like Raisin Bran cereal that you can find at your local store. Find the type that doesn't have ingredients that you don't want, and be sure to use low fat/fat-free milk or skim milk. To be honest I eat cereal from time to time, but I always use fat-free milk, and I usually have Raisin Bran, which is my favorite.

Don't say things like, "Oh this is only 300 calories, it's not so bad." It can be loaded with fat, and other things you don't want. Read the calories, the macronutrients (ie fat, protein, and carbs), and choose the one that fits your needs. Also, don't follow labels that claim the food is "healthy." Which certain cereal and other food are high in certain "good" things like fiber, they have other things which you don't want. Always read the ingredients, and never follow a company's claim that something is healthy for you. If they told you lucky charms would pop out if you put a fork in the toaster, would you believe it?
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Corn Flakes, Crunchy Nut, Kelloggs 390.0kcal
Bacon and Egg, Bacon and Tomato, Sausage and Egg, Triple, Tesco 304.0kcal
Bacon, Back, Dry-Cured, Grilled + Baked Potato, Flesh & Skin 257.0kcal +136.0kcal

Wow, why so much bacon?

Also, sub the baked potato with sweet potato.
This confuses me as this site tells me that 2258 calories a day I should lose 1 pb per week. What concerns me is that the list of below which purely examples but quite typical only comes to 1067!!!!!!!

Im confused.
This confuses me as this site tells me that 2258 calories a day I should lose 1 pb per week. What concerns me is that the list of below which purely examples but quite typical only comes to 1067!!!!!!!

Im confused.

Do you know your daily needs?

Try using this site:

And after you get the number, use the Harris-Benedict Equation:

That will be your MT line.

You subtract 500 from that, to lose 1 pounds per week. Remember it takes 3500 calories to gain 1 pound, and 3500 to lose 1 pounds.

Again, it's about energy balance. Pretend your body is a scale, if you balance it out, you neither gain nor lose (this is your MT line). If you tip the scale so that your output is greater than your input (ie you burn more energy than you consume), you will lose weight. If you tip the scale so that the input is greater than the output, you gain weight.

This scale doesn't work when you tip it one side or the other. For example, you burn 3500 calories in one day, and only eat 1500 calories. Your body goes into starvation mode, and it becomes an energy store house. It will use energy to a minimum, and as soon as you stop buring more calories, your body will function normally again, and possibly regain whatever weight it lost during that starvation period.

Remember, it's not only about energy (calories) in vs energy out. It matters where you get this energy (how good is your diet and nutritional choices are), how well you exercise, and just overall common sense.

What's the secret to weight loss you ask? There is not. Just apply common sense, moderation, and sensibility, and you will lose the weight.

Good luck and come back often with your progress/questions.
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Its 2832.

So if I want to lose 1pb per week what should I eat each day and should I be concerned that this set of meals comes 1067 calories?
You should never go below 1200 calories per day. Again, that kicks in the starvation mode, and you get the opposite effect. Sure you'll lose weight, but it'll all come back when you finally break.
But am I right, do these meals come to 1067??

If so how the hell do I get upto 2332? Which is less the 500 calories a day to lose 1 pb per week?
Try this. Come up with your own diet plan for the next week, and post it on here or in the weight loss forum. No one is going to tell you what to eat. If they do, it means you're only going to follow that plan and not understand why. Diet - no lifestyle changes - means you and only you can come up with the solution.

You can get many more responses that way besides crummy old me. I'm sure other members, such as Chillen, will help you out greatly.