Your social activities as an adult.


New member
Well.. it's tough being an adult isn't it?????
All your friends get married, and you lose touch, or your kids take up all your time and you lose touch!!! So.. what do you do to have fun? Join a bowling league? A knitting club? Go walking in the mall with the old people before work?
I'm asking because I'm going to an AQUARIUM SOCIETY CLUB tonight! :smilielol5: Yup, really. It's been a long time since I did anything with an organization, so it should be fun, plus I already know at least one guy in the club who is on the ????? executive committee, I guess.
I used to be in a science fiction book club... I sort of stopped going because of a time conflict, and never got back into it, but it was fun! (and I did get read a number of good book I wouldn't have otherwise)
So.. my question to you is....
Are you involved in any adult organizations? Even if it's just a softball league or whatever, let us know, I'm curious. Thanks.
Hmmm, I am a member of Toastmasters and also involved with the local football federation as both a coach and providing sports medicine support but prefer to keep out of the politics involved.
Toastmasters? hmmm??? Honestly, Toastmasters just not sound fun to me. It seems a like having to do a lot of homework for no real reward besides entertainment. I'm actually sort of interested in finding out a bit more about why you enjoy this organization. I'm keeping an open mind, and I'm really interested on an insiders perspective. Thanks.
I enjoy it because I have a terrible time talking in front of large groups and toastmasters helps with that a lot :)
I've got no social life. I don't have the time or the opportunity to go out, and all my friends live about 1000 miles away from me.

The closest I come to that is helping out at the local RSPCA shelter whenever I get some free time, but that's about it.
I volunteered at Brownie Packs and met some cool people who worked there. It's pretty social. Also, local walking clubs and stuff. Don't do anything right now but as my friends are starting to move away to start their lives I have been thinking about it.

I did dog-walking at a local shelter as well :)
I am not much of a club person or good in groups but the other day i spontaneously decided to join the volunteer coastguard in our town. I've been twice so far. I am not sure its going to work out. The regulars are very different sorts of people to me. Men, a lot older. Nearly all smokers. But they seem like a cheerful bunch. I don't know if i will stick but i would quite like to be involved in the community a bit more and I've always liked the idea of being able to help out.

The attraction of the coatguard is that i live near the sea but don't get the chance to go out on the water at all and i like being on a boat. I've got a bit of a history with it but not of this sort.

The last time i was in a group, it was a choir. I made some good friends out of it but it was essentially a very frustrating experience for me and i left.
My social life involves me, an 18 pack of Coors Light, a PlayStation 3 and, if I'm lucky, a friend or two. What in the HELL happened to me?
Lets see....part of a medieval recreation group (no, we're not Live Action Role Players), we focus on being accurate in the recreation.....takes up most of my spare time. But my closest friends all do this yeah..
63, still not knitting or bowling!

I do play computer games though, too much!

My thing is dog obedience training, an ideal fit with weight loss because:
1 Those dogs need walking, every day! and FAR!
2 At my obedience club they make you do "fast pace" i.e. RUN (and my very athletic Rottweiler girls like to run FAST) :auto:
3 You get sucked into weekend volunteer working parties doing gardening etc, joining agility competitions (YES, with a Rottweiler even) and being a volunteer instructor. :drool5:

In other words, for a retiree like me it consumes your life and you lose weight! Gotta be good> :smilielol5:

And a bonus, I haven't been mugged in 30+ years of Rottweiler owning!
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