Sport Your favourite veggies to take to work!!

Sport Fitness

Just wondering what peoples favourite veggies are to take with them to work. Either ones you can microwave or eat raw (State how you like them). I am the only person in my work apart from one other guy in a totally different team that actually eat veggies on a daily basis at work.

I find the most convenient to be carrorts as these can be peeled the night before and just eaten raw, or a few minutes in the microwave is enough to cook them. I also sometimes take brocoli in but that totally stinks out the entire half of our floor and people moan at me! lol.

Anybody have a nice mixture of veggies and approximate portion size that can all be chucked into a tupaware box, covered and then microwaved (For how long). Somethings that just go well together and obviously that are good for you! lol.