Your Diet Vs My Diet

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Sport and Exercise Coach
Staff member
The topic for this post may sound a little controversial or confrontational, but that is far from the point of this post.

On this forum there is a vast array of "diets" or "lifestyle choices" that members make, almost as many as there are members. There is everything from Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Mediterranean, SAD, low carb, high carb, Intermittent fasting etc. and all of them are valid methods to loose fat. even the diets based on shakes like Herbalife and Beachbody (Coaches and Sales Reps - This is not an invitation to spam your links telling us all where to buy your products). There are also diets from a myriad of books and internet gurus (Again this is not an invite to provide link or to tell everybody to contact you)

Now not all members will agree with or support every method, which is why as a Mod (and even before I became a Mod) I don't often give diet advice unless it is a direct question (like how much protein do I need) although as many of the older members know I support many members here whatever their diet of choice.

I will usually simply ask new members more detail about what and how much they are eating so that other members have better information to be able to offer suggestions but I will like any other member defend my way of eating if false information and accusations are made.

The basis of answering diet questions should not be to put down another way of eating but to put forward why you are making the suggestion you do. As someone who follows a Keto way of eating, I am not going to tell a Vegan that their way of eating is not valid or unhealthy, as every diet has benefits and drawback, in the same way I would expect that a Vegan would not put down my my choice to eat meat. (And yes I have seen a few Vegetarians attempt keto), not all diet choices are mutually exclusive.

It makes a better conversation when we avoid telling others that meat is bad, or that low carb is unhealthy or that Vegans are crazy. I may not agree with the Vegan way of eating or agree with meal replacement shakes, but I will not denigrate them, I would rather see valid alternatives put forward if asked without the "you must eat this way attitude"

The issue of supplements and detox concoctions are a whole other issue
I don’t consider the premise of your post to be the least bit confrontational or controversial, Trusylver; you’re simply reinforcing the rules and spirit of the forum. Moreover, I also believe it’s an issue that needs to be addressed.

For the past few weeks, my e-mail inbox has become clogged with responses from individuals who simply seek to promote products or ‘quick fix methods’ towards achieving weight loss, without offering anything in the way of advice to the OP.

Needless to say, I’m pleased that you’ve sought to confront the issue, as I’m sure a lot of your time has been spent deleting the increased appearance of spam in recent weeks.

As for the poor advice offered by certain individuals, once again, I believe that your reasons for posting such a submission are also fully justified, Trusylver, largely since those who aren’t versed in the art of successful weight loss/maintenance (new members), require sound advice and assistance from those who’ve spent years studying an organism that continues to evolve.

I also agree with your thoughts upon the various methods towards achieving such an aim, as there’s no hard and fast rule, largely since individual goals/beliefs differ considerably. Nonetheless, provided that the correct energy balance is maintained between units of energy consumed and those expended, consummate to the level and intensity of activity, the vast majority of sensible and well established methods of weight loss will work.

Experienced exercise/medical professionals appreciate the respective fields of expertise demonstrated by others, refraining from criticism, as it allows them to improve their knowledge in areas in which they may be unfamiliar. As such, don’t feel as though you need to justify your position, despite recent exchanges with a certain inexperienced individual.
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