Sport young recently ex-athlete needing help!

Sport Fitness
Im a 17 year old ex-gymnast as of a year ago due to a back injury, and am finding it hard to maintain a good weight and fitness standard. I'm not overweight, but am gaining weight slowly and would like to keep up a good toned physique, as i had when i was still training gymnastics.
I'd appriciate any diet or fitness training tips or a set schedule i could keep to, or even references to other places i could look!
I joined a gym for a while but couldnt find the time to make it worthwhile. I run half-heartedly once a week or so, but lack motivation, even though the weight gain is getting me down. I eat quite a lot - mainly healthy - but large portions i suppose, and also find it difficult to stick to any 'low calorie' diets (which are just me telling myself to eat less, no fancy calorie counting things.)

any help would be greatly appriciated!!!!