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on average how many calories do you burn while having sex???????????


dont make me wear a pedometer because noone knows how many!!!! hehehehehe:biggrinjester:
HAhaha! says this:

sexual activity; active, vigorous effort: 86 calories per hour
sexual activity; general, moderate effort: 75 calories per hour
sexual activity; passive, light effort (kissing, hugging): 58 calories per hour
its pretty subjective. like how many calories when walking. You walking fast? you walking uphill? You doing cartwheels at random intervals? :)
Well there are a lot of variables here I would say. How much the person weighs would have a lot to do with it since higher weight equals higher calorie burn. Also combine with push-ups for the best
I'd guess it depends a lot on positions and stuff like that as well. And no way in hell does it burn only 86 calories per hour! Unless you do the old 'lie on your back and let the other person do all the work' routine.....*lol*
dont make me wear a pedometer because noone knows how many!!!! hehehehehe

:reddevil:HA HA HA,,,That is quite the visual...:reddevil:Poor b/f


sexual activity; general, moderate effort: 75 calories per hour

For some reason this really amusses me!:sifone:

You doing cartwheels at random intervals?

:DThat would be very interesting, lol...would def add to the work out aspect...:D

Also combine with push-ups for the best

:biggrinjester:HEE HEE HEE:biggrinjester:I could picture that you know:biggrinjester:

You sure do feel wiped out after!

No shit it should def count as cadrdio I usually hurt for days afterwards, lol...If it has been awhile I need to remind myself oh right that is what I did...and why Im sore...

Unless you do the old 'lie on your back and let the other person do all the work' routine.....*lol*



Oh no.. actually that's kind of sad...


found this kids....

The Act of Insertion
If the man is ready (same vice-versa) 1/4 calories
If the woman is not (same vice-versa) 274 calories


Satisfying Partner (organ size)
Most experts agree that size means nothing. Shape is what counts, and the man with a shaped organ can write his own ticket. In those rare instances where a man has a genuinely small member, he may have to compensate by working slightly harder, but this is good for weight loss. A man with a really large organ, while he might not have to work as hard once inside, may exhaust himself just trying to convince his partner to let him put it inside.

Normal size 22 calories
Oversize 15 calories
Tremendous 8 calories
Teensy-weensy 163 calories


Man on top, woman on bottom (facing each other) 20 calories
Woman on top, man on bottom
(Many women find that in addition to its inherent sexual possibilities, this position affords a better view of the clock.) 25 calories
From the rear (Mysterious variation) 40 1/2 calories
Standing: Both partners of equal height 18 calories
Standing: Woman 1 foot taller than a man 90 calories
While in traction
(very useful during ski season) 124 calories


On a bar stool 20 calories
Rear of a Honda Civic 38 calories
In a phone booth, standing 14 calories
In a phone booth, lying down 274 calories
On an airliner, aisle seat 24 calories
On an airliner, middle seat 42 calories
On an airliner, window seat 30 calories
On an airliner, in the lavatory 100 calories


Possible Side Effects of Intercourse
Bouncing 7 calories
Sliding around 9 calories
Serious Skidding 12 calories
Full cartwheel 20 calories
Whiplash 27 calories
Knee burn 6 calories
Chafed elbows 5 calories
Chafed nose 11 calories


Sex Related Noises
Short gasps (per gasp) 3 calories
Wheezing 5 calories
Squeals 4 calories
Ecstatic moaning 11 calories
Low growling 8 calories
Squishing 10 calories
Shouting 16 calories
Screaming 18 calories
Urgent begging 22 calories
Any short speech giving partner directions
("Please don't stop," "Faster," "Just a little more" are common examples.) 25 calories


Approaching Orgasm
Letting go 5.5 calories
Controlling yourself 79 calories
Digging nails into your partner's back 11 calories
Trembling 15 calories
Shaking 20 calories
Shuddering 25 calories
Trying to keep eyes open 33 calories


Real 27 calories
Faked 160 calories


Orgasmic Intensity Scale
Expression didn't change 1/2 calorie
Face turned purple 15 calories
Orchestra swelled 6 calories
Magical explosions 10 calories
Blazing Sheets 25 calories
Earth moved 30 calories
Vesuvius erupted 47 calories
You began moaning in Latin 60 calories


Pulling Out
After orgasm 1/4 calorie
A few moments before orgasm 500 calories
Normal size 22 calories
Oversize 15 calories
Tremendous 8 calories
Teensy-weensy 163 calories

Woman on top, man on bottom
(Many women find that in addition to its inherent sexual possibilities, this position affords a better view of the clock.) 25 calories

On a bar stool 20 calories
Rear of a Honda Civic 38 calories
In a phone booth, standing 14 calories
In a phone booth, lying down 274 calories
On an airliner, aisle seat 24 calories
On an airliner, middle seat 42 calories
On an airliner, window seat 30 calories
On an airliner, in the lavatory 100 calories

Pulling Out
After orgasm 1/4 calorie
A few moments before orgasm 500 calories

:rofl: the locations are hilarious.....

oh and melissa, this is WAY too much freakin math! :p
i'm an engineer... Wnat me to build a spreadsheet to do it for you?

fuck ya!!!

My personal fav is the 1/4 calorie