You ever notice that skinny people are ALWAYS EATING


New member
Yesterday i was hangin wit skinny people and they KEPT eating donuts pizza rolls freakin chicken nuggets and everytime they kept askin if i wanted some
Haha, it does feel that way sometimes! I so much as look at a slice of pizza and gain 10lbs! :piggy:
These are the friends that you smile at but secretly curse when youre sweating on the treadmill hahaha.
I remember a few years ago seeing a show with Jamie Oliver where they tested a bunch of people of various sizes, and the ones with the best body composition (it was something to do with the amount of fat near organs or within muscle or something) were actually the moderately overweight ones- the very skinny people had a worse composition (I can't remember how that was defined exactly) than the overweight ones, and were less fit than the overweight and the obese.

Then they showed you what was in a chicken nugget. :puke:
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I think it's more like what is not in a chicken nugget. They put sooo much random crap in those. I have chicken dippers in the freezer and they are all chewy and weird :(
Yesterday i was hangin wit skinny people and they KEPT eating donuts pizza rolls freakin chicken nuggets and everytime they kept askin if i wanted some

I can feel your pain, there was a major shakeup in the department that I am in. Let's just say they transferred out more than half the staff and brought in a whole new set of people, ( can anyone out there here me groaning, talk about frickin bad luck, busy season is upon us and now we have to retrain a whole new set of people:svengo:) anyway, back on topic, there is this new girl in our section, and boy does she eat.

When I say she eats, she can pack it down. I am no slouch in the eating department, and she puts me to shame. She is about a size 3-4, I think it may be smaller, has two kids under the age of 5, the last one is about 15 months, and she has no stomach, eats like a linebacker, and says she does not worry about weight.

At lunch I look at her and tell her, me and you will not be friends, I don't think its possible. Here I am, counting calories, measuring up the wazoo to lose at least a pound and she eats more than I did when I was not watching my weight.

Oh God forgive me, but I think I'm going to end up channelling Mo'nique again, and its wrong... so wrong....:toetap05:
The sad thing is is that they do not realize they will die of a heart attack because of the cholesterol. i saddens me that they can eat and never get fat :(
there have been a few threads on the subject before i think. A lot of skinny people will convince both you and them they are eating tons and tons and not getting fat, but unless they are under 25, they are kidding both you and them.
The 2 kinds i have noticed.
The Camels, those who eat a super mega feed of junk food then don't eat for a day or so.
The Peckers, who load up the plate but push most of it around, offer it to partners or friends, and make excuses that they 'had a large meal earlier', or 'it tasted a bit funny' etc

I used to think my friend could eat heaps and not get fat, and my husband, but i watched carefully to see what they were doing and figured it out after a while.
The sad thing is is that they do not realize they will die of a heart attack because of the cholesterol. i saddens me that they can eat and never get fat :(

Agree! i have skinny friends who are totally unfit, heck my husband was heading for a heart attack until he started going to a gym recently!
They may look ok on the outside... but they probably don't look ok on the inside.

The sad thing is is that they do not realize they will die of a heart attack because of the cholesterol.

These reminded me of my dad. He looked perfectly healthy on the outside, but did not take care of himself at all. He ended up having 2 heart attacks and a massive stroke by the age of 40.
I think it's more like what is not in a chicken nugget. They put sooo much random crap in those. I have chicken dippers in the freezer and they are all chewy and weird :(

When I first read that, I thought it said "chicken DIAPERS." And, I had a looooot of questions about why you had them and why you knew that they were chewy and weird. But, now I realize I just misread what you said, so none of those questions will ever get to be asked. :(
I think the contents of 'chicken dippers' and 'chicken diapers' might actually be pretty similar......:puke:
A lot of skinny people will convince both you and them they are eating tons and tons and not getting fat, but unless they are under 25, they are kidding both you and them.
Thanks, wishes, reading this made me feel better!
But you know, it's true. They'll say... "I just ate SO much".... and it's really not that much. ROFL.
Although, when you're working out a lot, it is nice to have be able to have a huge meal every now and then, and know that it's not going to kill your weight!
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