You Are What You Think

You Are What You Think

We all know that to be successful in life we need to set goals, follow through, and try to keep thinking positively throughout. As a high level athlete, I had to learn from an early age the importance of positive thinking. My attitude and thoughts had to stay turned on towards the positive every time I stepped onto the training floor.

Top level athletes will tell you that they train their mind on top of any physical training they do. I personally went through all four disciplines of gymnastics daily in my mind as I was training towards each and every competition. Even today before fitness competitions or even walking and posing on stage, I will see the whole thing in my mind in the best way possible. This is a valid exercise for your mind, and it is not for high level athletes only. Positive mental training and thinking is for everyone. All we have to do is set aside some time to train the mind, just as we train our bodies.

We are what we think. The way we program our thinking will determine our path in life. I guess you could say that it can either make us, or break us. For instance, when you wake up in the morning and it is pouring rain, you know you have a bunch of chores and errands you would rather not do, and by the time you get them done you will have to wake up the next morning and go back to work. Now that is a type of day that can easily be steered towards bad mental thinking. So you have a choice, with your attitude and thinking. Try and catch yourself when you start down the wrong path of mental thinking, and steer yourself back on course with positive thoughts and actions.
Find your passion, discover your talents, set relative goals and keep your focus by exercising positive mental thinking.

My hints for success: Fill your mind with positive reading material, or television programs. Hang out with people that influence you positively. Start by spending even a minute of positive thinking before you leave your bed in the morning. I guarantee you will start seeing a huge difference in your life.

Here With You!
While you give great advice, not everyone can surround him/her self with positive things. In some cases, a person really has no one but his/her oneself. So it becomes increasingly harder to find inner peace when everything on the outside is negative.

The fact is, while you say your world is crashing down around you, you still have much more than someone who has nothing: you have friends, family, and people or pets who generally cares about you. Some people out there do not even have that much, or worst. When you go to sleep at night, some people really have nothing or any reason to be happy or look forward to being so.

I understand that life can get hard, and I do understand that everyone can feel alone at times. Believe me I do understand!

However, If we let ourselves entertain even one negative thought the tendency for that negative thought to transform into another negative thought is high. It is best if we can learn to battle those negative thoughts sooner than later.

Replacing the negative with positive is key....

It's starts with hope, a dream or a goal to succeed then follow that with faith (personally I never truly feel alone because I believe in God) in God, others and yourself.

Action then has to follow your faith or else it will all be empty words.

I would suggest trying your hardest to find positive influences...there's a lot even on the internet, and TV, Radio, Friends, Speakers, books etc.

We all have our ups and downs...sometimes it takes a miracle, or a good friend to step in and help out when we just don't feel right.

But I guarantee if you continue to talk negative, it's because you are surrounding yourself with negative, and accepting it as the norm.
I have believed in God once. Many nights have I asked what is my purpose, what is the meaning of life, what is root of all happiness? And I have not heard an answer. I used to believe that we all have a destiny, a purpose in life, but I can assure you, that the cards you're dealt with is all you're going to have and many people have been dealt with a very poor hand. If there is a god in all this, then it doesn't make much sense. Why some people are dealt bad cards, and others not? Why is it that some people are good their whole life but at the end they get nothing? Why is that seemingly the most evil of people get the better end of the deal? Some people have it all, and don't realize it until it's gone, while others have nothing and forever wish they had just the ability to say they had it at least once. It's sort of like a blind man who never got to see, how can you talk about beauty, when all he seen was nothing?
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Hey dallen,
I cannot honestly feel the complete pain that you are in but Vanda is correct about God though. Until recently, I could not speak to God for many years. Life was certainly different and difficult without the faith in god. Many people can lead a whole fruitful life without believing in God but for me personally, it is easier since I can speak to God again. I was a lost and anger soul before. I hope you find the peace that you need to calm the storm that lies in your mind.

To Vanda:
You post is dead on and I agree whole-heartly BUT where do you find all this positive energy and news all the time? Do you have a link to a website that posts positive things constantly? To add to your point, this is a lecture that I pass to my nephews and nieces whenever I have time to spend with them:

Everything starts with a thought.
We think of something and then eventually speak about it.
After speaking about it enough, we act on it.
With repeated actions, it becomes a habbit.
It is these habbits that forms our characters.
Our character defines who we are.
Remember, who we are start with just a mere thought.
Staying Positive

Well, I either wake up and read first thing in the morning or I tend to watch something like Joyce Meyers .... she is a real motivator and a powerful woman. So I try to start my day off with positivity and spiritual feeding.

My life is not so easy...I have been without my family for years, I have started a new business last year that takes a lot of time, and I don't have a whole lot of time for friends either.

I am not complaining, I am letting you know that we all have ups and downs. I just wouldn't want to go through the downs without knowing God is by my side.
Hello Vanda! I totally agree with what you shared. Waking up with an attitude of gratitude and choosing to have an inspiring day is fantastic! My success formula starts first thing in the morning with my prayer - praise -meditation and yoga time, and i love it! This commitment centers and empowers me for the whole day! Through pure intention I confront every problem as a challenge and opportunity to grow. We all want the heads of the coin and not the tails. We all want the nice and not the mean. People arn't made just one sided. In order to build self worth we need to accept both sides of the coin. When you can do that and love both sides you grow in character and wisdom. What we fear always draws near. When we can embrace it and love it, than it no longer pushes our buttons... The people we attract into your lives are our emotional twins. Be a winner in your mind and live like a winner and you will attract healthy people into your life. ilovesuccess
I think positive, But I have some problem and I think sometime when I start a work with positive think after couple of days I can't concentrate on that work. Actually my interesting level going down totally. Need some advice How to keep interest on work.......
Nice little post :) Really helps as ive just broke up with my girl friend who i was with for 2 years. Im only 17 but she meant alot to me :(
I am sorry to hear about your break up; just hang in there things will get better. AND also thank you for wishing me luck to compete in BB. AS for the inner part of me; yes i do pray to god, for what would we have if not for faith.