
My flexibility through my whole body is abysmal at the moment, and I was informed that its probably the cause of my current shoulder injury and will likely cause me serious back injuries which will put an end to my rowing career.

So to combat this I've decided to take up Yoga, I just have a few questions about it.

First of all, how often a week should I be doing it? I'd planned to do it 2 days a week atm

Second, if I do yoga, how long (days, hours, or not at all) do I need to wait before I do weight training.

Third, how long does it take to start to see improvements in flexibility (weeks, months... years?)

Thanks guys,
Hi Dutes, I would think at least 2 times a week as you've stated to get some results. 3 times a week would help speed the results of course if you can afford the time. I'll sometimes do weight training either right before or right after yoga, so don't think you really have to wait in between. Yoga does not stress the muscles enough to need to allow recovery time. I do find if I do a strenuous weight training session on my chest or arms right before yoga then that does take away some of my strength for the yoga session and makes some of the moves like downward dog a bit more of a challenge, but not to the point that I would stop doing it. Also, common wisdom for strength training is it's better to do static stretching, such as you get in yoga, after weight training rather than before. So if given a choice you would want to do the yoga after weight training, but I don't think it's a big deal to mix it up from time to time depending on your schedule and when the classes are scheduled for.