Yet another story on weight training for endurance athletes

“The fear of getting really big is not plausible for most people,” he said. Competitive distance runners and cyclists, who are naturally slender and light, “don’t have the muscle fiber number to get really big,” Dr. Kraemer said. “I can train them until the cows come home and they are not going to have big muscles.”

that must be it, because it can't have something to do with cals in vs cals out.

Top level runners probably have more slow twitch fibers than others, so that could play a part as well I guess.

But for his legs, he does exercises like leg extensions using one leg at a time, to correct any muscle imbalances or weaknesses. Mr. Martin, who lives in Lawrenceville, N.J., said he got the idea from coaches and from his own reading.

“Cycling and running are one-leg-at-a-time activities,” he explained. And one-legged exercises “recruit more muscles that help the hips.”

Jupp, single legged leg extensions will get those abductors and adductors to fire!

“If your goal is to improve running performance, then weight training should probably mimic the running pattern,” he said. “If you do leg extensions, you can get stronger, but people don’t run like that.”

can't argue with that!
I saw this when it first came out... it's a good read but I like the differing opinions among the experts.

“I think that running is the best thing for running results"

Agreed but I also think weights can help.

“You let me know if you think we are not working your legs enough,” Mr. Hanson said. “There’s a lot more we can do to beat you up. But you don’t have to lift weights.”

This one is just plain funny.
DR. O’CONNOR, for example, lifts weights for health, for enjoyment and for vanity’s sake (he does not want an emaciated upper body, he said), but stops lifting when he is training to run a marathon. Those muscles, he said, “are just dead weight you have to carry around.” He adds that a sport like rowing, swimming or running requires specific muscles and nerve-firing patterns that may best be developed by actually doing the sport

That is what I think partially and questions why do I lift soo much and often beside vanity!!! But then, why do women get boob implants and get their nails done?