
Ok, I'm hoping there are some people on here with knowledge on the XYIENCE-brand supplements. For starters, this is what I'm looking for -
  • Gain Strength
  • Gain Muscle Mass
  • Lose weight (or not put on weight)
  • Stamina gains (not as important, but would be nice)
  • An effective Supplement
EXTRA NOTES - I am a 16 year old, soon to be 17, Junior in High School, if that has anything to do with some of these supplements. I work out every weekday after school in the school weightroom. I wrestle in the winter. Lift more in the spring.

Ok, now for the supplements. I was looking through all the products Xyience has and these are the ones I pulled out of the list that I think will be best for me -
  • XYIENCE® X-Protein
  • XYIENCE® Xelerate™
What are your take on these? And which one(s) would you recommend the most? Are there others that I didn't list that you think would be helpful? Have you seen any results with any of these?

SO if any of you guys can help, that would be awesome =D
* XYIENCE® X-M2 -- an over priced weight gainer
* XYIENCE® X-Protein -- pricey for 'just protein'
* XYIENCE® Xelerate™ -- NO NO NO

That's what I think of your choices.

1. you're not even 16, so NO FAT BURNERS

The rest is just really over priced, average supps. Also, NO products like NOX-CG3 are kinda bull****. NO2 doesn't actually benefit you in any way. Not more strenght, more endurance, faster recovery...nuttin.
that's like deciding against dog crap and going with cat crap instead.

NO doesn't actually DO anything. but, you did pick the 'best' NO product out there at least.
My first post!

As a 39 year old that just sent his kid off to University of Texas on an athletic scholarship, I feel like I need to put in my opinion on this one, since you are at a similar age, and I've been through the whole "try anything and get taken by the people at GNC" type of thing with my kid...

You are at an age where you have many things going for you when it comes to building lean mass, strength, and endurance. While you need to also be careful not to overtrain, you also are producing hormones at a high level, and, as a wrestler, I would assume you are in pretty decent condition at this point. As stated by warlock, stay away from all the crud that says it will give you magical results. The Xcience products are indeed overpriced, and lots of different packaging and glitz for silly stuff. Your best bet is to be sure to eat often (about 6 times a day) of very high quality foods, take a multi vitamin (I actually would go much further on the vitamins, but you are not my kid, so I'm not going any deeper than that) and get yourself some of the Whey Concentrate at Wal-mart or target, etc. This is not the "best" form of Whey, but it's still Whey, and it's all very good to a degree. Take a scoop worth before a workout, then another scoop when you get home from the workout. Possibly start the morning off with a scoop as well, if you do practices in the morning.
Next trip to the grocery store, get about 6 tubs of cottage cheese and incorporate this into your last evening meal, for some slowly digested protein for the overnight.
Also, I'm a HUGE fan of flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and fish oil. If you make these a major portion of your total fat intake, you may well see some improvements in your condition that exceed anything the magic potions will do.

Lift smart and lift hard. Remember that strength and size don't come from one rep maximums...there are all kinds of workout plans that you should research to help you increase performance for wrestling, or whatever you are striving for.

Though I was going to avoid this, you COULD consider a responsible dosage of creatine, or something like a creatine/glutamine/taurine powder blend. I use this, and in my research it appears that this really is a worthwile supplement...this is from what I consider some very conservative experts on such topics.

As a young athlete, you will probably find that small changes in your workout plans and nutrition will give you big gains in performance. I know from working with my kid that when you are a finely tuned machine already, incremental changes can show big results. Kind of like high octane gas in a new sports car vs. fuel changes in an old work truck...I myself am kind of like an old international scout with rusted through frame...it takes a lot of work to keep me running.

Good luck with your wrestling career!
that was an excellent first post!

I recommend eating the right foods, sleeping 8 hours at night, and hitting the gym with intensity.

a decent protein powder can help you meet daily intake goals. beyond that, a multi-vitamin for insurance that you're getting micronutrients isn't a bad investment, just avoid GNC brands and crap liek centrum or one a day.
creatine is one of the few supplements out there that works, though you still have to avoid buying into some of the marketing bull**** they throw out there.

NO Xplode isn't the worst thing out there, but its got a lot of 'fluff' to it, namely the NO2 pump. you will get a nice pump...but that doesn't actually DO anything beneficial.

I won't like though, I'm trying NO Xplode right now myself, trying to see what benefits it may have, as it does contain creatine ethyl ester (though it won't state how many grams per scoop), and the caffine/taurine in it does have sufficient research backing its effect on mental focus.
but had it not been on sale $25 off retail, with 4 protein shakes and a dose of cellmass inside, I wouldn't have bothered with it. it was an impulse buy for the sake of personal experimentation :)
Ok. I decided I might as well give the NO Xplode a go. I've heard a lot of great things and read a lot of great reviews on it, so I've come to the conclusions that it's worth a try. The one problem being that you apparently have to be "A healthy adult between the ages of 18-50" to take it. So how should I go about convincing the GNC employee that I should be allowed to buy it? Or should I just have a friend or parent/guardian just buy it for me?
Oh, I thought you already bought it. Since you haven't, Don't bother.

just get some creatine monohydrate or creatine ethyl ester.

or don't.
no supplement is a miracle powder/pill.