Xtrainer conversion help please?! - Which sport - run/cycle/row?!

Hi guys,

I'm not a runner, im an ex-swimmer. However I am going back to uni in sept and thinking of joining the running club.

I have started using my x-trainer a week last saturday, and am currently up to 50.87k in 205mins, per session (3 days on, 1 day off).

I was wondering if anyone could help me convert this into what would be an equivelant dist/time to start running at, bearing in mind I know that there are several muscles/techniques/pressures the x-trainer does not account for?

Any reply would be appreciated, or even suggestions for the sport I should switch to - at 18 i rowed an hour a day (fast), and cycled none stop through my teams, so any conversion for either of these would be greatly appreciated.

