x New Gurly Needing To Lose 45lb's !!! x

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New member
hey guys!
I just came across this forum whilst doing a search for weightloss, quite like forums and didn't realise there could be a weight loss one! :)

Well here's my stats:
18 years old
190lb's (13.5st)
34.7 BMI
<-- For Pics :)

I used to be a healthy 150lb's before i met my bf, 16 months ago. Now it has gotten to the point where i cant bear to look in the mirror, whilst i have a close network of friends and they kind of support me i still cannot manage to lose weight.

My bf is about 15st and tall so he can carry it off but i cant believe im nearly as heavy as him. It really gets me down just thinking about it.

I need to lose 10lb's by the 31st as i am going away for four nights with my bf and i know if i dont lose it i will come back even heavier and it will be way more harder.

The body part i am most upset with is my stomach - its just so flabby and the top of my arms, at 18 i should not have humoungous bingo wings but i do! i want rid of them and my fatty self for good!

Overall i would like to lose 45lb's by december - is this possible?
at the moment, i dont have a gym to go to because the one i was with closed down, but i am starting uni on the 19th of september so i will be able to join the uni gym then.

I guess im just here to look for feedback on my ideas and some positve encouragement! hehe

Hope to speak to you all soon :D
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Hey! I'm 17, and weigh a bit more than you...but I also want to loose about 45 pounds.

Yes, I think it's quite possible to loose 45 pounds by december - that's my goal. I'm determined to be 155-160 by christmas.

And I take it you're from the UK? Huzzah! Welcome :)
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