Sport X Meals a day

Sport Fitness
I'm 15 years old and I've been getting bigger ever since 3rd grade. So I decided to lose the weight several times and gotten somewhat far but sudden things have stopped me. Now I'm trying to lose atleast 50 or so pounds so I can enjoy my young years while I still have them.

Anyway, I've been searching the internet for increasing my metabolism. I've heard eating small meals about 4 to 6 everyday, but I also heard I gotta eat atleast 3 meals everyday. So which would be the best?

EDIT:Whoops didn't know this was Women's health. Sorry. :eek:
You should try to eat 6 meals a day with in about 1500 calories. So, 250 calories in each meal, 2 1/2 - 3 hours a part. You maybe able to eat more at breakfast, less at dinner.
It's all in what you eat. Keep your good fats at %20 (or 300 calories) You're carbs at %30 (450 - 500 calories) get the rest from protein; eat a lot of lean meat like chicken, fish, turkey. Oatmeal is great, peanuts for good fats. Avoid white bread and eat your fruits and vegetables.
Also, run.. do cardio. What you eat is the most important thing, but you should also do cradio at least 4 times a week for 20 mins. Then work your way up to 6 times a week at 35 mins.

I lost 50lbs, beleive me you're going to have a ton of more questions.

Read this site:
Download this book: (you can download it from any p2p network)
I was gonna eat meat only at dinner and not alot of it. I don't understand the 20% or 30%. ^_^;

I do weight lifting and today I'm starting to do cardio (4 blocks). But I'm considering increasing it by every week. I never get to eat breakfast because I wake up at about 7am and I go to school in like 7:20 so I spend the rest of the time getting ready. Would a apple suffice?
1500 calories a day for you may be way low for your weight.

First thing we need to do is determine how many calories you need to take in per day.

Do a google search for calorie calculators. Determine for your height, weight, and age how many calories a day you need to maintain your current weight, then subtract 500-1000. That will be your target number. A pound of body fat contains 3500 calories, so 500-1000 calories off of that would equal a 1-2 lb of fat loss a week. Thats safe, anymore than that is pushing it.

As far as meals per day go. My advice is eat as many as possible. Studies have shown that 5-7 small meals per day is more effective to keep metabolism up, but if its not practical for you to do, then just make sure you eat 3 square meals a day.

EAT BREAKFAST! that meal gets your metabolism up and keeps it up all day.

Keep it simple, keep it safe. Stay dedicated, use this forum to your advantage. I made a lot of friends here, I felt if I quit, I'd be letting them down.
Well I'm 5'9" and 222 pounds. Which is weird because I know someone who was 170 pounds and he had a body fat percentage of 42% and mine is 29%. I guess it's the muslc eI get by working out. Is it true that metabolism turns off at night thus the rumor not to eat after 8pm?
lol if your metabolism turned off you'd die. Eat less before bed, and don't eat right before bed. If you start eating at 8am you should be done eating all meals at 7:30pm.