WTH should I do?


New member
Let me first start off by saying how helpful this forum has been in my weight loss journey (particularly the earlier stages).

This picture is obviously a shitty one, but...I looked waay worse when I was bigger, so why not, LOL.

It appears that I have fat on my stomach and chest. However, I am at a healthy weight. I'm assuming I just have little to no LBM (which I do not understand...I can keep up strength-wise with most of the guys my age...).

So, should I attempt to drop another 10-15 pounds and see where that gets me? If any of this skin/fat will come off? Or should I start eating in a surplus so I gain possibly lost Lean Body Mass?

I haven't been getting in as much cardio as I would like to. I really do not have a structured exercise plan. I just try to get in 150 push-ups, and 150 sit-ups daily. That's all I really have time for throughout the day at the moment, with graduation coming up and all.

I can supply other body pictures, my eating and exercise habits, and anything else upon request. Thanks!
I'd keep shedding it, if I were you. To increase lean body mass, you're going to need more than pushups and situps. You yourself say you don't have time for anything else, so bulking up isn't an option anyhow.

Even if it were, I still think I'd focus on shedding fat.

I'd also check out this site for some ideas of other exercises you can incorporate:
I figured so. Not ALL of this had to be skin. I don't mind my weight, but I mind how I look at this weight. So...off to calorie counting I go.

I'm assuming to keep it high in fiber and a pretty good dose of protein as well so I don't end up losing 15 pounds of muscle. But it all comes down to the calories...=/

Thanks man.
Yea, calorie balance is definitely the most critical in order to lose weight but you're right, what comprises that intake is also very important. Have you been counting calories and tracking macros?

Also, what's your current weight?
I am not keeping track of any micro or macro's. You mean nutrients, right?

I'm around 175 in the morning, 180 at night.

I'm not being completely anal about my calories like I used to be. I can maintain weight on about 2000 a day. 1500 would be fine, but I really don't feel like messing up my metabolism...it's been going through some crazy changes this past year and a half, =/.
Not sure if bumping is allowed, but I would like some other opinions as well.

I hope I don't look like this forever...=/ skin...fat...whatever it is...
You need to listen to Steven and keep shedding the BF. I've posted around the forums my routine several times and I am sure you can find it easily. Counting calories is obviously important, you might be going WAY over and not know it. Macros are MORE important than ever at your stage... Fats, Proteins, and Carbs... gotta get enough of the FIRST two and the third usually falls into place as filler (choose good ones, like whole grains and veggies).

You have actually quite a lot of body fat IMHO. I would say in the high teens to low twenty range... now that isn't BAD, don't take it as a negative, it's kind of "normal" actually, but I don't see a ton of lean muscle mass on you. You could shed more BF by eating cleaner (unprocessed foods, google clean diet) and upping your cardio routines with some more weight training.

It's all possible to get firmer, which is what you are looking for, but the answers are all over this forum. You can check out my picture thread and get some information on what I've been doing over there.