Wow! Why am i hungrier?

Hey everyone, in the last month or so i've noticed that i've started to become alot more hungrier, like i want to eat more frequently. I dont know why, but I think it may be something to do w/my exercise. I run alot (about everday or every other), and every day or so i do tons of situps (focusing on both upper and lower stomach muscles). I know that an increase in muscle mass leads to an increase in metoblism/more calories burned, and i know that running speeds it up, but do you think thats the cause? Or am i just getting fat? A few of my friends eat all the time & they're skinny as rods, but i have hadreally slow metabolism as a teen.

I'm 18, 5'10, and weigh 141... Any suggestions?

btw, i also drink 5-6 bottles of water & i know that water increases metabolism. Is this contritubing to it?

*Last question*: Say I dont run for 2-3 days, is it still ok to do my regular situp workout? I'm just looking for a nice trim stomach, but I have heard that if you don't loose weight & just add muscle then the fat will just show more. So, yay or nay?

thanks guys!
Yep, exercising regularly - especially at the volume you're doing, will definitely increase hunger - it's your body's way of telling you it needs more fuel for energy! No worries about gaining weight if you're eating the right quality&quantity of food. Keep up with your water - the more you run, the more you'll need.
Your cardio & abs don't have to be done together. A break from running is fine -but no more than 3 days btwn runs, though, or you'll start to lose your cardio level.
For your age & weight, you have a very healthy BMI of 20 - you're at the leaner end of the scale, so why are you worried about fat??? Just adding muscle will make one look better than if they didn't do anything at all. Your ab routine seems to consist of only Rectus Abdominus exercises - you also need to target obliques & strengthen your lower back proportionatly with your abs to get that nice trim appearance. Stabilizing exercises are great for targeting all of them at once- try using a stability ball - doing situps on one of these will give you whole new meaning to the word "burn" - you need to feel that muscle burn in order work it effectively. Also, you may be running too much? I wouldn't recommend everyday unless it's part of a sport you do - you'll get better gains if you give your body sufficient rest (aka Recovery Time) - overtraining reduces progress. Try at least 1-2 days of rest btwn runs.
Thanks for letting me rant! Let me know how this works for you!
Just out of curiousity, when is your biggest meal of the day? I have to find my notes, but I remember a study that showed that if you have a big healthy breakfast that for the rest of your day you will be less likely to have the "craving" for fattening food... Then the smallest meal should be supper....

Also, when do you do your cardio? If you first do it when you get up in the morning your metabolism for the rest of the day will be higher than if you did it at lets say 7pm...