Sport Wow...Lost 8 pounds in 1 week?

Sport Fitness
I was 175.2 pounds on May 26 and today I am 167.2 on June 2nd. So in 1 week I lost 8 pounds! I tracked my calories every single day to. I added up the deficiet and I should have only lost 1.4 pounds which is really starting to confuse me. I ate a very high protein diet (above my bodyweight each day), Low Carbs (like I had 46 grams yesterday), and Moderate Fat.

My protein comes from Eggs, Chicken, Tuna, Whey Protein, Milk.
My Carbs come from Oatmeal, Oranges, Apples, Carrots, Lettece
My Fats come from Peanuts or Almonds.
And I drink water all the time.

This is my first time I wen't through a week of clean eating and absolutely no junk food. You won't believe the foods I had to sacrifice this week....

But did I do it right? I charted my progress every day. And the calories I ate that day.

May 26, 07 (1408 CAL) Weight= 175.2 (Didn't count the peanuts that day)
May 27, 07 (1776 CAL) Weight = 172
May 28, 07 (1700 CAL) Weight = 169
May 29, 07 (1730 CAL) Weight= 169
May 30, 07 (2480 CAL) Weight = 168.6
May 31, 07 (1620 CAL) Weight = 168
June 1, 07 (1860 CAL) Weight = 167
June 2, 07 Weight = 167.2
I check my weight every morning after I use the bathroom.

So can someone explain what happened?
I haven't been in the 160s in a long time...
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Did you lose any fingers or other body parts during that week?! LoL. I have no explanation for you. I'm a question asker, not a question answerer. At least for now.
Could just be all the bad stuff you have been eating has all come out + you lost like 2-3 lbs. You could have been holding water or something.
okay, first off, why are you weighing yourself everyday?

secondly, you probably were holding water or not hydrating yourself properly before, and now your body is losing some of its water weight. i promise you didn't lose 8lbs of fat.

I like to weigh myself everyday. Water weight makes sense but I didn't think water could make such a large difference. I know I didn't lose 8 pounds of fat that's just impossible. Too bad I don't have a body fat caliper...

Thanks for the responses. Should I keep doing what I am doing though or up the calories a little?
I was 175.2 pounds on May 26 and today I am 167.2 on June 2nd. So in 1 week I lost 8 pounds! I tracked my calories every single day to. I added up the deficiet and I should have only lost 1.4 pounds which is really starting to confuse me. I ate a very high protein diet (above my bodyweight each day), Low Carbs (like I had 46 grams yesterday), and Moderate Fat.

My protein comes from Eggs, Chicken, Tuna, Whey Protein, Milk.
My Carbs come from Oatmeal, Oranges, Apples, Carrots, Lettece
My Fats come from Peanuts or Almonds.
And I drink water all the time.

This is my first time I wen't through a week of clean eating and absolutely no junk food. You won't believe the foods I had to sacrifice this week....

But did I do it right? I charted my progress every day. And the calories I ate that day.

May 26, 07 (1408 CAL) Weight= 175.2 (Didn't count the peanuts that day)
May 27, 07 (1776 CAL) Weight = 172

May 28, 07 (1700 CAL) Weight = 169
May 29, 07 (1730 CAL) Weight= 169
May 30, 07 (2480 CAL) Weight = 168.6
May 31, 07 (1620 CAL) Weight = 168
June 1, 07 (1860 CAL) Weight = 167
June 2, 07 Weight = 167.2
I check my weight every morning after I use the bathroom.

So can someone explain what happened?
I haven't been in the 160s in a long time...

Let's see...

May 26, 07 (1408 CAL) Weight= 175.2 (Didn't count the peanuts that day)
May 27, 07 (1776 CAL) Weight = 172

...if you dropped 3.2 lbs of ' something ' in a mere 24 hours, I agree with Derwyddon, it likely isn't fat or muscle. :)

btw - you're around 167 lbs. Was that stat you cited - " Low Carbs (like I had 46 grams yesterday) - correct ? Cause that's only 184 calories a day from carbs. And if you're averaging 1,750+ calories a day, that's only 11% of your calories from carbs. Do you do cardio and weight training during the week ?

Curious - how many grams of fat and how many grams of protein did you have yesterday ?
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Carbs and Molecular weight

This level of weight loss in NOT unusual. Remember for ever gram of water of CHO (carb) in your body 3 grams of H2O (water) attaches, So with a big swing in protein and huge reduction in carbs you will typically see a 5% dessication effect. In your case you should have dropped 8.5lbs in 1 week.

But remember this is NOT PURE FAT LOSS! I have had clients loose as much as 15lbs of water weight there first week of diet restructure and resistance training. Not unusual.
Goes to show what manipulation in the nutrient ratio will do, but the calorie is KING. This water loss is not tissue loss, so its not really actually weight loss, and is bunk in the REAL SENSE. However it can have its uses.
You will always lose the water weight first than the fat which is a start ..are you also doing reg cardio and weight training?
Watch your weight week to week for more accurate reads.
My weight can fluctuate 2 or 3 pounds in a day, so you may have caught yourself at a high point at the start, and at a low point at your end.
In my opinion, its best to weigh one's self at the SAME TIMES every day, preferably in the AM (or when just getting up). Your what I call DRY: havent had fluids or food for many hours, and the body hasnt been manipulated by consumption of fluids and/or food (which is the main cause of the body increasing a NORMAL few pounds during the course of the day). One should where the same or simular clothing as well (if any, LOL). Over time, the BASE (the morning weigh) will drop, and the top end (weigh at the same time later in the day), will lower, if one is in a deficit to lose weight.
Calorie Shifting.

Calorie shifting is a great way to lose weight!
What happens is, when you eat different amounts of calories each day, even at different times every day, You body goes into shock trying to keep up with burning the calories.

Usually, people eat the same amount about of calories everyday so your body gets used to burning a certain amount. When you change it up everyday, your body has to work harder to burn calories!

Great job and keep up the good work!
Along with what Chillen said...It's not really BAD to weigh yourself every day. It can, however, be demotivating if you pig out one day and notice the next morning that you are 2lbs heavier than the previous day. I have the habit of weighing myself every morning too. But, I take an average for the week and compare that to the weeks previous to monitor my changes. I do this because of slips in the diet and whatnot.

Feliciavas: Calorie shifting is actually a good idea, but not until you get your body in shape for it. In order for it to work well, the body should already be used to being fed the same number of calories around the same time of day. If that's not the case, then it's just like most people's eating habits before they get their diet squared away.
If i were you id do your diet for another week and weigh yourself again, the water weight loss makes sense, or your scales off as there is almost no way you lost 8 pounds of fat in a week with the diet you said you did :S
Sounds like you put together a great plan and it worked. You also look young so i'm sure that helped. But hey congrats man!

Personal Trainer/Firefighter/Paramedic/Nursing Student
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It is entirely believable that you lost that much in one week. I lost 11 lbs of fat in one week and gained 9 lbs of muscle. My water weight did not decrease but only increased during that week. I have lost 6 lbs in 3 days counting 3 days ago so who knows how much i will have lost in one week. I am 5"0 female and weigh 173 now. I did 8 hrs of cardio, weights, and pool activity. I ate breakfast lunch and dinner, soft cold foods unfortunately due to my wisdom teeth being removed 3 days ago. Like you, I have not seen my weight go down under 180 (in your case a different number) in possible half year or more. This is also due to my weight gain meds being decreased and thyroid being increase. Congratulations on your weight loss. Sorry about the slow reply.