the key to bulking is consistency in caloric intake so the body knows it'll have a steady surplus of calories.
I'll say it again: its incredibly hard to gain a significant amount of lean mass, and lose a significant amount of fat simultaneously. You can gain mass with minimal fat by doing a clean bulk, and tracking your progress so you have just enough of a surplus to add mass while only adding a little fat.
Conversely, upping protein and lowering starchy carbs and total calories is how you maintain mass, and lose fat at a more rapid pace. Still don't expect over 2lbs of loss per week...realistically if you retain 99% of the mass during a cut, 1.5lbs is the max loss per week of 'fat only'.
I don't mean to be a jerk Bloc, but it seems like every week you're posting a new diet, a new routine, etc. Nothing we do should be fast. Pick a routine...probably an established one instead of your own, and stick to it for at least 4 weeks...6weeks is better. Track EVERYTHING. AT the end, evaluate, and see what needs to change.
Patience is necessary if you want to do all of this 'the right way'.