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Hello, everybody!:party:

What a great energy on this forum, I love it:hurray:!

This seems so exciting, I've been reading and checking this diet for last week... But I still have some questions... I would be SO HAPPY if anyone of you would have a minute to help me...

I'm not obese, actually I've been always fit, but those 15 pounds have always bothered me...I can workout every day, eat "right", but I have a hard time keeping the weight where I feel good... I mean - I have to be very strict and it's always a choice - happy with food or happy with weight, I can't find the balance...
I did have some hormonal issues, but not so big that I would be able to blame them for my weight...

So, I decided to try the Cohen's, since the results sound amazing... (it does seem that a lot of people gain the weight back? Is it really so hard to keep it off?)
I also found (I forgot where), kind of calculator with which they try to find your ideal weight and when I checked mine, this was actually the first time it showed lower than other "calculators" - and it was the one I felt the healthiest at...So that was another motivational factor for me...

I wrote my questions to the clinic, but I got a reply that they will answer in January...

So, my questions...:confused:

I am from Europe, so there is no Cohen clinic here... I would be able to do the blood tests in our private lab, but of course I would have to know what exactly they need... You think that's possible? Or does the lab HAVE to be somehow connected with Cohens?
Do they tell you what time in month do you have to take the test (if they check hormones, don't they change big time according to our menstrual cycle?, they change daily, are they precize at it?) ?

When you get the personalized diet from Cohens, do you have to start immidiately? Or can you start a month later?

If you really do everything through internet, would it make sense for me to be in contact with Australia, since I read a lot of complaints about attitude :banghead::cool:on the original (USA?) staff (people were complaining how rude and late the answers were, I had a feeling they must be answering from South Africa, since I heard complaints about language, too)...

So, that would be for now.
I wanna congratulate to :hurray:all of you for being so strong and brave and for keeping such a good, motivational energy up here. Thank You and have beautiful holidays:party:!!!!!

Hi maya11!

I wont be much help as I have only just started cohens myself (australia), but I live too far from a consultant so all my stuff comes via emails, and phone so I will never physically meet a consultant, but they are there over the phone if you need them- if not email works the same!

You can wait up to six weeks after your blood tests before you start but it is recommended that you start straight away. There is no special time in your cycle to get these done, as they are looking at other hormones. Cohens will send you Path forms for your blood work, you then get this done near to yourself, the blood lab is not connected to cohens. Obviously overseas is different...but they should be able to help you!
That is all I can remember from your post, if theres anything else i can help with, Ill pop it in, goodluck!! :grouphug:
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Alibi, Thank you Thank You Thank You!:Angel_anim:

Yes, you are big help, I know now most of what I needed - I just wanted to make sure I don't have to be physicaly in the clinic and they can do it all via e-mail. I am considering doing it through Australia, because I feel they are much nicer...

6 weeks is a big window, of course I would try to start immidiately, but it is comforting to know there is not a big damage if you start couple weeks later...

I can-t wait to join you here, guys! :party:
I am sooo excited about this I would start tomorrow if I could!!!!

But in cold, snowy weather and family cooked food:blush5:, skiing and meeting diners - would all be just a struggle...

Alibi, I'm sending you good energy for your success and thank You again for the help! :)

Merry Christmas!!!!!:rolleyes:

Hi Maya & welcome to the forum. I am not sure which clinic you would be go through to do Cohen's, but I think it would have to be near you because they organise the blood work & the results are sent to them. I hope you are able to organise it soon. For me, finding Cohen's & losing 36 kilos has changed my life for the better. I feel great about my body & have regained lost confidence. 2007 saw me become slim, throw in a dead-end job & I have just got a new, very positive job as a Disability Support Worker. I'm 54 & if I can do this so can anyone! I look forward to reading your diary when you start the program, cheers for now, Cate.