Weight-Loss Worried



New member
I have given up the things I love to give myself a better life. No cokes, No sugars, no fast food, etc.

While I am seeing progress. I am just plain worried. Am I getting to many carbs? When take my weight in a month will I have only lost 5 lbs? Was that due to eating so many carbs?

As you can see I am slightly paranoid lol. Let me break down a typical day in a work week .

Breakfast - Apple / WholeGrain ceral

10 am - Kashi Bar

12 pm subway 6 inch club on 9 grain honey oat (w/ american cheese) and no veggies

6 pm Usually another sandwich I make at home, turkey, cheese, whole wheat and a small handle full of baked chips.

Having done this for 7 days straight...(when I like something I never change..hence why this might seem like boring food choices to some) is something that is unheard of for me...in the last 10 years I have never NOT had a fast food meal atleast once in the day.

Will cutting the cokes and fast food even do anything? I know it's only been 7 days since I started this new lifestyle but I am just worried. I am looking for answers..but mostly I need some reassurance. My great fear is weighing in on day 30 and having lost only 3 pounds.

I read the sticky but is 130 grams enough for someone my size ( 375lbs. ). Or is that to much and it's all being stored as fat?.... Unfortunately I am doing this alone and don't really get any positive feedback from my family....which is why I am posting this, to get answers and maybe a little reassurance. Sorry if I bored yall with my WALL of text heh.

The Gamer
It is calories in vs calories out so don't worry TOO much about the amount of carbs. Just use your head and keep moving. There are going to be times of success and times..well not so much but what is important is keep making the journey. Don't give up because this will take time. Have faith.
Thanks Jericho! Just what I needed to hear buddy. My maintenance is around 3200 calories a day. At the moment I am exercising 30 mins a day and eating just about 2000. Perhaps I need more..I am sure I don't need less haha. And at 2000 I am actually full. I was NEVER full on the old 3200-3600 I was eating from fast food. I was full then BAM I was hungry all over again. I just ate subway and I am still full from it at 12pm (now 3 pm ). I'ma just keep on with the keep on and see where it takes me. Doing all this stuff I am bound to lose something in 30 days.