I have been trying to get big for some time now, check out my and let me know if this is a good program:
The first exercise that you will be performing is with a barbell. Before you perform this barbell curl, you will need to select a barbell weight that will give you a good sweat after a few sets. After you have made your selection, hold the barbell with an underhand grip firmly. Your hands should be placed shoulder width apart. While standing up, the barbell should be resting next to your thighs. Next, slowly curl the bar upwards into your chest with your elbows tightly in on your sides. Now slowly lower the bar back to the starting position. You should feel the bicep working out in both directions. If you do not, you may need heavier weight and/or go slower. Repeat this exercise as many times as you desire, but do not over work your muscles.
The next exercise that you should perform is the dumbbell curl. First, select a desired weight, one that will make your muscles burn throughout the sets. Grab the two dumbbells with an underhand grip on both. While standing up, your arms should be extended downwards with the weights next to your thighs. Lift one dumbbell all the way up to your shoulder while keeping your elbows near your body. Slowly release your arm downwards, and as you are doing this, lift your other dumbbell upward. Repeat this as many times as you see fit. During this whole process, make sure your back is straight and that you are breathing. Same rule goes as above, do not over work your muscles.
The final exercise that you will need to perform to get those biceps bigger is the concentration curl. Select a desired dumbbell, you will only need one. Find a bench and sit on the edge of it. Keep your feet spread apart and rest one of your elbows on the inside of your leg, near your knee (will be working one bicep at a time). So if you are going to work out your right bicep first, take the dumbbell and rest your right elbow on the inside of your right thigh. Next, with your elbow locked, slowly bring the weight up towards your chest area (you will be hunched over just a bit). Then slowly release your arm until the dumbbell is at the starting position. Repeat this motion for one muscle for about ten times (or how many you feel is good) and then switch arms.
After you have completed these three exercises you will feel a good burn in your biceps. Keep this routine up and watch your biceps grow!
The first exercise that you will be performing is with a barbell. Before you perform this barbell curl, you will need to select a barbell weight that will give you a good sweat after a few sets. After you have made your selection, hold the barbell with an underhand grip firmly. Your hands should be placed shoulder width apart. While standing up, the barbell should be resting next to your thighs. Next, slowly curl the bar upwards into your chest with your elbows tightly in on your sides. Now slowly lower the bar back to the starting position. You should feel the bicep working out in both directions. If you do not, you may need heavier weight and/or go slower. Repeat this exercise as many times as you desire, but do not over work your muscles.
The next exercise that you should perform is the dumbbell curl. First, select a desired weight, one that will make your muscles burn throughout the sets. Grab the two dumbbells with an underhand grip on both. While standing up, your arms should be extended downwards with the weights next to your thighs. Lift one dumbbell all the way up to your shoulder while keeping your elbows near your body. Slowly release your arm downwards, and as you are doing this, lift your other dumbbell upward. Repeat this as many times as you see fit. During this whole process, make sure your back is straight and that you are breathing. Same rule goes as above, do not over work your muscles.
The final exercise that you will need to perform to get those biceps bigger is the concentration curl. Select a desired dumbbell, you will only need one. Find a bench and sit on the edge of it. Keep your feet spread apart and rest one of your elbows on the inside of your leg, near your knee (will be working one bicep at a time). So if you are going to work out your right bicep first, take the dumbbell and rest your right elbow on the inside of your right thigh. Next, with your elbow locked, slowly bring the weight up towards your chest area (you will be hunched over just a bit). Then slowly release your arm until the dumbbell is at the starting position. Repeat this motion for one muscle for about ten times (or how many you feel is good) and then switch arms.
After you have completed these three exercises you will feel a good burn in your biceps. Keep this routine up and watch your biceps grow!