Workout Routine for Soccer??


I want to start working out... but I want to get a routine that I can follow so I actually know what I'm supposed to do and something that helps with soccer. What's the best routine that I can do to get a better body and in best possible shape for soccer? I have all summer to workout.

I'm 16 this July. 145 pounds. Athletic build. Lazy ass :p -why i'm trying to start working out.

Could anyone give me some pointers, ideas, routines, programs.. anything that I can start as soon as possible! ..I just don't have access to a gym atm. I'm hoping for something I can do at home, but I'll get to a gym if I have to.

Thank you!
Well for soccer you want to work on your agility and speed. In your off season you can do some plyometric exercises along with weights to increase both of these as well as throw on some muscle as well. Keep your cardio not to intense. You want to keep yourself in shape but you don't want to take away from your athletic gains elsewhere.

Box jumps, Split squat jumps, and Tuck jumps are great to increase athletic ability. Quick calf jumps and sprints also help alot. I will post some more plyometric exercises soon.
petelta is right on track, i would just add in some hip mobility, and make sure your doing some sprint work. I would also add in the hang clean, great exercise for developing power