Workout routine for Deltoids and Triceps


30 year old man, looking for a basic exercise routine to gain Deltoid and Triceps muscle volume.

There are many exercises on the internet but trying them in the past I always ended up feeling the muscles at the sides of my neck more than anything (Trapezius) so I'm probably doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

Please share with me a begginer routine for Deltoid and Triceps with dumbells, no more than a few different sets, twice a week(?) otherwise I'll probably won't stick with it.

Thanks a lot!
Front raises, shoulder/military presses
Lateral raises
bent over raises (with VERY light weight...seriously 5lbs might be all you can properly manage at first)

Tricep extensions
Skull crushers

Traps get involved if you are moving the shoulder itself too much on lateral and bent over raises. You really have to watch the body and focus mentally so you're using the arm like a hinge at the shoulder, not allowing the shoulder to move up and down, just rotate/flex.

Think about it like bicep curls...the elbow should never be moving on those...if it is you're cheating and likely using the shoulders.

Well on a lateral raise, if you raise the shoulder at all, you're pulling with the traps (i.e. using a 'shrug' motion in addition to the lateral deltoid pulling the weight up).

So probably lower the poundage because its too high, and focus on the mind/muscle connection to isolate the right primary movers.