Workout program

I am nearly 15, 5'11 and weigh around 140lb. I want to start working out but i am not sure what to do, i want to get bigger but at the same time i would like to lose some fat so that i have more definition.

If i ride my bike 24 miles every 4-5 days a week and follow a weight lifting program 2-3 days a week do you think i will be able to get these results?
Is this a good workout program for me to do
At 15, your concern should be coordination, stabilization and balance training to begin with. Majority of newcomers to the fitness world go straight for the machines and big weights which do nothing for true life fitness.

If you are looking to increase your physical ability, sport performance, and general coordination (along with getting more ripped), stick with Functional Training and work your way up from Balance and Stability training, to sport specific power training. You have to build the little, deep muscles first. Then the big (show) muscles will be able to handle the type of training that will get you results. Remember, train movements, not muscles.

It may a bit longer than you'd like, but the outcome will be much greater and your risk of injury will be much less... If you want more specifics, research the "Optimum Performance Training" model by Mike Clark and NASM (National Assoc. of Sports Medicine).
Thanks for this but most of it you have to pay for, i am still not quite sure what i should be doing.
Tom, the routine you posted is a good one. Following that coupled with your immense cardio from biking, and you should see yourself losing a lot of your fat. You'll gain definition from this, but the main concern is your diet. You need to be eating the right calories (as well as nutrients, of course) in order for your body to stay well out of a catabolic state, so that you may continue to burn fat and not pack it on.
This is an example of what i eat in a day.

Breakfast(7:15)- Big bowl of muesli
Lunch-(1:30) Tuna sandwich, apple, orange
Afternoon(4:00)- Sandwich or some more muesli aswell as some more fruit
Dinner(6:30)- Lamb+potatoes+brocoli+carrots
After Dinner(8:00)- Fruit or a yogurt

Is this ok? I think that maybe i should eat something in between breakfast and lunch.
The 5 meal per day thing is pretty good for fat loss because it raises your metabolism and it also keeps you feeling alert throughout the day as there are no major fluctuations on blood glucose level.

I would not suggest doing that weight plan if you are quite new to weightlifting. It is a question of whether you want endurance or strength.

With all of the cycling, an endurance weights plan would be more suited to you as opposed to the strength building one which you linked to. Endurance weight training involves medium weights and 4 sets of about 10-15 reps.

I'd suggest doing weight training about twice a week and focus on different muscles every session.

For example you could do this is a weight session:

4 sets of 12 bench press 75% of maximum
4 sets of 15 inclined sit ups
4 sets of 10 bench pulls 75% of maximum
4 sets of 15 leg presses at as high a weight as possible

If you do strength building sessions, then you will become more suited to short bursts of high intense activity as opposed to long moderate intense activity.

With your diet, you should optimally be eating at least 2000 calories a day with your current training schedule as you don't want to lose weight too fast because this can lead to problems.
As he said in his original post, he wants to get bigger. The Westside program will do just that. It's up to him to eat enough to counteract the cycling in order to build, though.
The reason i want to get bigger is because i am joining a football team, if i carry on with the biking and doing the weights will i still get bigger as long as i eat enough.

Will the weight plan effect my endurance?
Not typically. Perhaps in your legs, but not in your heart and circulatory system. Yes, in theory you can still gain while doing tons of cardio...I wouldn't recommend it, though. Too costly.
Thanks, on friday i did the workout and on saturday i was really aching and now on sunday i still ache a bit. I'm hoping that i will have recovered for mondays workout.

Is this aching ok as i am still quite young? Will it get easier, will i recover faster over time?
Well, in order to build, you'll have to eat tons of calories, and if you're doing tons of cardio at the same time, that's even MORE food. You'll be eating every second of the day, and that cost time and money.

Your recovery time will get faster as you start to get used to it. Remember to help your body do it by eating right and resting plenty.
Does anyone know of any stretches that i could be doing as i have heard that will decrease my risk of getting injured and i only know a few basic ones.

Would it be worth getting some whey protein?