Sorry, but squats ARE your best friend here. Protein shakes are only a maybe...I mostly only use them when cutting to make up for the protein I miss out on by not slamming down cheeseburgers.
Since we don't know where you're at now, it's hard to give good advice, but something you'll do well to understand is that whether you want to be 150lb or 300lb, if you want to build muscle and get lean, you will most likely need to go through phases of cutting and bulking. Good bulking builds muscle, but a little bit of fat gain along side it is a necessary evil. Good cutting maintains muscle mass while getting rid of the excess fat accumulated from bulking. To bulk you have to lift and eat lots. To cut you have to keep lifting heavy weights but cut back the calorie intake.
Your program should consist (if it's at all possible and safe to do so) of squats, hinges (deadlifts, olympic lifts), pushes (bench press, overhead press, dips) and pulls (pull ups, rows). It doesn't need every exercise listed there, but it should contain every movement, and an even amount of work in each movement to build a proportionate body. The program I wrote in the stickies of this section will cover your exercise needs:
Nutrition-wise, whether cutting or bulking you should be consuming 1g/lb bodyweight/day in protein, and half as much in fat. Saturated fats aren't nearly as bad as they're made out to be, especially when you're training frequently. What you need to avoid are trans fats and the so-called "healthy" fats that you don't really know where they come from (have you ever seen a Canola plant? Me either, because there is no such thing). If 1/3 of your fat intake comes from saturated fats and 2/3 come from unsaturated fats where the source of the fat is obvious (eg olive oil), you'll do fairly well. Your fat intake should also include plenty of Omega 3.
Ideally, your protein and fat intake should come from real foods: all types of meat (fish and poultry are meat FFS, I hate it when people classify them as something seperate), dairy and eggs are your best sources. If you need any protein supplements on top of that to get your daily needs, use them. Nuts and legumes are also pretty good by vegetarian standards, but plant protein is still pretty crappy. Nuts are high in fat, so they can be useful for getting your fat needs, if for some strange reason you're falling short. If you're bulking, you'll probably want things like cashews, which you can eat 1,000,000 of and still be hungry, while if you're cutting you'll probably want things like almonds, which are hard to eat and filling.
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. The more colours, and the deeper the colours, generally the better.
The rest of your energy will come from carbohydrates, which are highly present in grains (such as wheat, rice, corn and sugar), potatoes, fruit and dairy. Contrary to the food pyramid, grains are a relatively insignificant food group. They're helpful for giving you extra energy if you need it, but they're hardly a vital food group, so you can have as much or as little of them as you need.
Total energy in your diet relative to your energy output will determine whether you cut or bulk. Figure out your maintenance level of calories per day once factoring in training and activity (there are plenty of formulas out there, google it), and increase the number by 10% for bulking, or decrease by 10% for cutting. So long as you get your protein and fat needs, it's all good as to whether the rest of your calories come from fat, protein or carbs.
I'd recommend that you spend no more than 12 weeks at a time either bulking or cutting. The more time you spend bulking, the more time you'll have to spend cutting to get rid of the excess fat. The more time you spend cutting, the more time you'll spend hating it. In saying that, I wouldn't recommend any less than 4-6 weeks for either goal. Since I don't know where you're currently at, I can't say whether you should spend more time bulking vs cutting (you might be best off doing 3 months at a time of each, or doing 6 weeks of one followed by 12 weeks of the other, I dunno).
I hope this helps.