Sport Workout diet, plz advise

Sport Fitness
Well I am starting to work out for almost the first time in my life. I never had to worry about loosing weight or body fat percentage. Well now I do, and I don't just want to lower my body fat percentage I want to start to bulk up a bit aswell. In the end I really need to focus on the begining, like starting to eat a healthy diet. At the moment my diet simply sucks, so I would love some help and suggestions from anyone willing to post =D.

-How many meals per day should I be eating?
-How much carbs, fat, protein, ext.. should I be taking in each day?
-How can I read the labels on products to relate to what I need?
-Anyone have a healthy recipe site they would like to share?
-Are there any suppliments that I can benefit from such as vitamine pills,
protein shakes?
5-6 small meals per day.

Macronutrient ratio's will vary but something along the lines of 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fats.

Labels - Try to use your head. Ask yourself, has it been fried? Is it processed? What's the saturated fat content like.

Stick to the golden rules like brown bread, brown rice, wholegrain pasta, oatmeal, cottage cheese, lean meat (chicken/turkey), oily fish and plenty of fruit & vegetables.

Oh, and water.

Supplement wise there's a million opinions, but whilst bulking I think the one everyone will agree on is whey protein.

As for recipes, there's some good ones in the first section of this forum.
to add to Fly...

Labels - avoid anything with the words: hydrogenated (or partially hydrogenated), and high fructose corn syrup. other wise common sense rules all...

supps - daily multivitamin, and if you can't eat all the protein you need via whole foods, a protein powder will be a big help. I would go for a whey/casien blend, or at least whey/egg albumen blend. Whey digests fast, which is good for some times, bad for others. caseien and egg digest slower. So a blend gets you teh best of both worlds.
I suggest Optimum Nutrition brand, for quality and flavor.