Sport Working the overnight

Sport Fitness
Well it's been a while, but I am on the night tour now, Midnight to 8AM so I am awake when I should be a sleep, sleeping when I should be awake.

Which has totally screwed up my diet and work outs.

You see I am CONSTANTLY tired, no matter how good I sleep during the day, it is never good enough for my body.

So I am asking what are good foods to handle in this time period (3 months) I seem to gravitiate towards grains and low acidic food during this shift, because my stomach is always upset.

I also been eating a ton of Fast food, due to my hours and the urge just to get to bed ASAP. For instance, I will come home sleep for 4-5 hours, then get up with my kids, head to Soccer practice, get something to eat, ( I am the coach) then head home, take a nap before work, then grab something to eat ont eh way in... Trying to eat at work and cut back on the 5-6 cups of coffee I am drinking per night.

Put I am trying to put together a menu that will get me back on track and also help settle my stomach.
Sorry buddy, not sure what to recommend for the diet but I know where you're coming from with the night shift thing, I used to work 9 till 9 many years back and the sleep thing can send you crazy (one of my co-workers once crawled into a freezer and fell asleep and another one walked out the door without saying a word and was never heard from again).

One thing I can suggest for the sleep problem is to buy a blackout blind, you can usually find them in baby shops like mothercare and they literally shut out every bit of light and it can help you sleep properly during the day. You can also buy lights for the bedroom that mimic the sun rising to gradually wake you up so you don't feel tired and groggy when you wake
I got Curtains that block out 95% of the sun rays during the day, but the body knows.

I don't mind the tired part, but the stomach is simply driving me nuts, constantly hungry but very acidic, even drinking a buttload of Milk (tums is basically calcium)

Did your co-worker survive the "sleeping in the freezer?" WTF?

The 9-9 swing shift is bad was that 9PM to 9AM that's rough.

can't wait for 9AM :sleeping:
Hi, sometimes symptoms of that acidic feeling in our stomachs can actually be low stomach acid (more common than once thought). It's also possible that you have an ulcer, which means a visit to your doc.

Stop drinking the milk and avoid all refined sugars (ketchup, sauces, processed meats etc). Avoid alcohol, especially beer & wine; caffeinated drinks, tea, too much salt, chocolate, fried foods and animal fats. Eat more veggies especially green veg like cabbage, broccoli & spinach. The trips to the fast food drive thru are not helping either!

Smoothies are also great (no milk) with banana, diluted fruit juice or rice/soy milk. Soft foods like avocado, papaya, bananas, mashed yams or potatoes, well cooked carrots, mashed zucchini and cooked turnips. These are things that will help sooth your stomach and get it back into shape.

Try steaming veggies and grill some chicken breast and take that to work to reheat. I'm not sure how you feel about tofu, but a cabbage/mixed veg stir fry with tofu would also be good and easy to reheat.

Hope you feel better soon!
Did your co-worker survive the "sleeping in the freezer?" WTF?

The 9-9 swing shift is bad was that 9PM to 9AM that's rough.

Yeah, he was found and sent home. It 9pm until 9am 4 days on, 3 days off, I didn't do it for that long though as everyone I worked with had gone nuts so I figured that would happen to me too. The money was good though