Work Out Routine :) (Winging it)

Hey guys,

Just recently started exercising about a month ago, and truth be told I've fallen in love with it. I just wrote up an exercise plan for me, and as I don't have gym access, and my only equipment is an Iron Gym and a homemade Dumbell, I thought it must go in this forum.

I'm 183 cm tall, and weigh 85 currently, with moderate bodyfat I would say. Picture coming soon.

Work Out Plan


c25k Running program

Muscle Building

100 Push up program (Iron Gym Pushups)
Dumbell Curls (Home made weight, so sets of 15,17,12,12, max)
200 Sit Up Program
Negative Pull ups ( 3 sets of Three ) ( Reverse due to lacking strength )
chin ups ( Do one, hold for as long as possible then release , 3 of 3 due to lacking strength )
Plank ( 3 x 1 minute )
Side plank ( 3 x 1 minute )
Bicycle (Abs)
Push ups
Bicep Curls

I intend to do this 3 to 4 times a week, as I don't currently have access to a gym. Time is not an issue due to the fact that I am currently on a gap year, and have about 7 months to get in shape. I also intend to increase durations and reps as the weeks progress.

What are your guys opinions? Is it an effective looking workout routine? I'm sort of winging it here.

My ultimate goal would be to be lean and strong, to be able to do vast repitions at bodyweight so I can do what I want in life, and get what I want out. I want to volunteer in the Military/Police/Rescue services, while also completing endurance events such as marathons and mountain climbing. And also to look great.

Thanks all,