Woman dies on 530 calories diet

Wow I feel sorry for who was trying to get in shape for her wedding but is that the way to do it by taking 530 calories? The amazing thing is that this diet is supposed to have your GP's consent but why would a doctor allow anyone to starve themselves in this manner? How come with all the fatialities associated with the LighterLife plan, the plan continues to be sold and doctors approve people to go on it? The way to lose weight is not on a crash diet but by eating less (not litteraly) and exercising more.
530 cals, thats stupid. Expecially for as long as 12 weeks. I don't get why it would be ever advised to do that sort of diet. The diet had to be the cause of death!

She was also from Leeds like me :D (thought i'd add that in)
Wow I feel sorry for who was trying to get in shape for her wedding but is that the way to do it by taking 530 calories? The amazing thing is that this diet is supposed to have your GP's consent but why would a doctor allow anyone to starve themselves in this manner? How come with all the fatialities associated with the LighterLife plan, the plan continues to be sold and doctors approve people to go on it? The way to lose weight is not on a crash diet but by eating less (not litteraly) and exercising more.

Most "nutritionists" are simply idiots who tell people how to lose weight. Sadly, this is a growing business because people desperately want to look good.

The second thing is that most people who go to doctors don't listen to the full thing. Like the doctor probably did recommend this to her, but then he probably added on "with a good balanced diet and exercise," but either she chose to ignore it or didn't really understood it. The thing is, doctors should choose their words carefully.

Sad thing is that now the doctor, whether or not he did right or wrong, will probably get sued and the medical board will deny him a license to practice.
I have some female friends who have done the "Medi" diet. It starts them off at 500 calories of nothing but protein for a week then slowly progresses up. 12 weeks is just crazy. I don't like the Medi thing either but a neighbor has lost 101 lbs this year on it.