Wisdom teeth removal

anyone got this done before? my cheeks swoll up like mofos and like its been 2 months and i swear.. it hasnt gone back to its original ... i still seem puffier
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Uhh.. It shouldn't be like that for 2 months. 1 to 2 weeks and it should be basically normal. Maybe you got mouth herpes. :)
wow thats not good... yeah it took me a week. does your mouth still hurt? or is it just swollen? i had to get my stitches taken out so i had to go back in which allowed them to make sure it went alright but i know some people get the dissolving stitches. did you ever go back in?
when i got 3 of my wisdom's pulled in one sitting..the next night I ate a steak with garlic bread on the side :)

not normal.
WTF Malkore!? that's friken awesome. I had all 4 out and it took me about a week before i could eat any solids...the first day all i ate was pudding and whatever gauze (sp?) got stuck in my mouth lol..anyway..2 months...u should defenitely get that checked out..

BTW - Malkore u play WoW? I've got a 60 Priest..altho I've been WoW-Free for about 2-3 weeks now. I quit (temporarily...i think) to focus on college
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lmao, so that's where he's been.

*drinks a Rockstar*

Anyway, muscleboy, your Oral Surgeon should have a follow-up. Talk it over with him. If not, talk it over with your dentist.
I know my dentist is going to want to pull mine out and then he is going to prescribe hydrocodone. The problem is based on my past experience, It always seemed to get it stuck in my nose rather than my belly...What to do, what to do.
Tony had it done before and he didnt even mind it that much, and i definately didnt mind the perks that came with it (literally) lol.

speaking of wisdom teeth, i think mine are growing in :( it hurts.
You're just jealous about my superior intellect dwerwersfasfasdddon, at least moma was able to understand my words that appeared before her.
No, but being able to score double 800s on my sats might be some indication of my superfluous intellectual capabilities. The skill of finding alternate uses for a product which results in added benefits for the consumer is one of my numerous talents that make me cool. My attributes are plentiful and nearly infinite. I have a superior mind contained within a body comparable to God; my charisma is surpassed only by our lord. The combination of these attributes proves that I am greater than you and therefore a superior person. You're an inferior life form and therefore your opinions and eventual counterargument are insignificant. Have a nice day.
No, but being able to score double 800s on my sats might be some indication of my superfluous intellectual capabilities. The skill of finding alternate uses for a product which results in added benefits for the consumer is one of my numerous talents that make me cool. My attributes are plentiful and nearly infinite. I have a superior mind contained within a body comparable to God; my charisma is surpassed only by our lord. The combination of these attributes proves that I am greater than you and therefore a superior person. You're an inferior life form and therefore your opinions and eventual counterargument are insignificant. Have a nice day.


whew, It's hard to NOT have a nice day when posts like this make me realize how sane I am... thanks.

whew, It's hard to NOT have a nice day when posts like this make me realize how sane I am... thanks.

Behold the power of happiness bestowed upon thee from a single misinterpretation of the entity that is me. No one can handle the consequences of correctly identifying me; you would merely get caught up in a mind riot. As for you Derwy, if you think you've won, you never saw me change the game that we have been playing.

Resourcefulness is the greatest gift one can have