Weight-Loss Will you take a look at my typical day of eating?



New member
I have been following a portion diet and am pretty religious with the plan, but am very impressed with the information I have read on here and wondered if one of you experts would take a look at my typical eating day and provide some feedback.

8:30 am Orange or apple and 32 oz water

9:30am can diet soda

10:30 am orange or pear and 32 oz water

12:00- turkey sandwich (2 oz turkey, 1 slice colby cheese, mustard) and sliced cucumbers and 20 oz water

2:00 orange or apple

3:00 sugar free jello snack pack and 32 oz water

6:00 4 oz chicken breast (or other meat), 1 cup boiled potatoes 1 cup steamed veggies and 32 oz water

Sugar free kool-aid in evening after dinner...20 oz.

Of course, I vary my eating from day to day, but this is a pretty representative sample of what I eat......

So....don't hold back....what do you think??
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At first glance, not enough protein.

Having run it through FitDay, not enough calories. I get to 967 calories, 19g fat, 134g carbs (24 fiber), 76g protein. You're also lacking (under 75% of the RDA) Vitamins A, E, Thiamin, Riboflavin, B-12, Folate, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, and Magnesium. And D, but you can get that from sunshine, and IMHO getting it from a supplemented food isn't any different from getting it from a multivitamin.

I suggest having a second sandwich.
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I might suggest eating more in the morning. I know that whole "most important meal" thing is a cliche, but your body comes out of sleep wanting food- your metabolism is ready to go early, and it's at one of its highest points. I'd take advantage of that!
Thank you for the feedback so far. I don't eat that much in the morning because I really don't care for breakfast and I wanted to save my bread and meat portions for later in the day.....I am largely (oh, a pun!) a meat and taters person and didn't want to "waste" a bread portion on a piece of toast or a meat on an egg, etc. I also don't particularly like fruit....so using my fruit for breakfast seemed like a good plan.

I will see what I can do to rearrange some stuff to take advantage of that metobolic hike :) I also excercise in the morning before leaving for work, so get going that way, too.

Any other insights would be appreciated!