I am currently a junior in highschool and I have been working out since the beginning of sophmore year. I have gained a lot of stength and size from then till now. I am getting ready for football season and I want to destroy everyone since its gonna be my last year and my goals are to have a 300lb bench, a 400lb squat, and like a 250 or 260 powerclean. Currently I'm at about a 245-250 bench, about 325 squat, and 210 powerclean. I'm not very satisfied with my strength because I want to be a lot stronger and bigger especially for my size which is 6'3" 210lbs. I have gained a little strength in the last month but I'm wonderng if I haven't gotten much stronger because of the fact that I workout about 2-3 times a day 5 days a week. I have a weight training class during school which covers all of the basic lifts: Monday squats, Tuesday bench, Wednesday powerclean, Thursday squats, and Friday bench. We do more things then jut those lifts on the days but those are the main lifts. I lift heavy in all of the lifts because I know that heavier weight builds strngth and mass. But then after school I do another workout called SST (Speed Strength Training). It is a workout class that our coaches use to train for football and its not as much strngth building as it is footwork and explosiveness training which is good. There is a lot of cardio in these workouts because your doing a lot of things at once and they're not with heavy weight like weight training. Its a lot of reps so you ant lift as much so it doesn't really build strngth. I'm sure you can look it up if you'd like. But then after I do that I'll workout more, which usually I only do things that I couldn't finssh in weigh training such as triceps on bench days, biceps calves and leg presses on squat days, and shoulders and traps on back days. I thought that this was a could plan and that I would get a lot stronger and bigger a lot faster, but I haven't gotten that much stronger. Spring training starts in 3 months well 4 including this month and I don't expect to be at my goals by then but I expect to be close. The actual season is in august so I have 6 months including this month to get to my goals. My questions to you are, are my goals reachable in this amount of time, and why am I not seeing results in my strength and size gains, and what could I do to gain strength if I workout too much. Thank you guys