Will this lead me to a plateau?


New member
Hello everybody! So my question is this:
I am doing 30 mins on the elliptical machine 4-5 days a week. I vary the programs everyday (i.e. one day the interval program, 1 day the mountains program, 1 day the weight loss program) and there is a total of 6 programs. Will this lead me to a weight loss plateau or is it because I am varying the programs daily, I can avoid this from happening. I appreciate your help so much. I've been Googling this question for so long, but I still have not found an answer!
Why worry about something that might or might not happen.

You're hopefully working towards consistent behavior and changing old habits...

Plateaus might or might not happen to people - in a lot of cases a plateau isn't caused by something internal but by the person not being as consistent as they once were.

Nutrition is the biggest factor in weight loss -and making sure your calories are reasonable.
Weight loss plateaus ordinarily do not occur because of monotony in exercise programming.

They generally arise from a lack of control of energy balance (calories) or an adaptive response from your body stemming from the stress of dieting and fat loss.