Will running help me GAIN weight?

Hey. I'm 18 and I am one of those rare cases of being extremly thin and am trying to GAIN weight. In order to do this I am eating much more, doing weights and am considering running. Now will running how me gain weight, in the sense that it will build muscle in my legs or wherever, or will it just make it harder for me to try and gain weight, which I am already finding extremly difficult to do?
it will most likely make it more difficult for you to gain weight in that you will be burning more calories.

but it depends on how much running you do.
I'm in the same boat as you, a skinney bloke. If your extremly skinny it will definantly help you gain weight. But if your starting to build up a little bit you will have to do particular running types in order to gain. Sprinting up hills will help, keep distances of about 100m and give yourself about 2 mins rest. It will imporve your fitness and build muscle in your glutes, hams, quads and calfs. short sharp sprints on level ground will also help strengthen and build muscle. But you need to keep distance covered down, about 1-2kms a most. You may think this isn't much but when running as fast as you can and accelerating you will feel it.
A simple solution is just lift weights... Yes it burns fat, but muscle weights more than fat... The reason why those sprints that rugbyboy said works is because techincally you could say sprints are an anaerobic activity... which lifting weights is...

That's why you see that "elite" sprinters are lean and built... But if you want to gain weight, you could try using a protein shake... because excessive amounts of protein will be stored as fat... But there are other ways, so if you want kind of a quick list I'll wip it up for you later... bed time:rolleyes:

