will my body return to normal if i stop lifting?

ive been exercising for 3 1/2 years and before that i was very skinny. i usually do 2-3 classes a day with one rest day a week.i recentley took a 2 month break due to surgery and when i returned overdid it and now have shin splint. Not being able to do much step or running i have been lifting more but am lifting much heavier as im not doing all the cardio first. thing is i have also started binge eatin and have put on loads of weight. im half stone heavier than when i was full term pregnant. the weight is all in the stomach and my shoulders are huge compared to rest of my body {im 5 ft} bf and familly have started to say i look too masculine. so im going to jus do cardio now and light weights but will my body return to how it looked before the weights? will my shoulders get smaller?
Yes. If you stop giving the body a reason to have that much muscle mass, the body won't hold on to it. Its an evolutionary disadvantage to have 'too much' muscle because it requires MORE food to maintain.
But really its about the food intake. If you're not eating 'too many' calories, you won't have the extra food needed to pack on muscle. So you don't necessarily need to stop weight training or only use really light weights forever.

Just don't train and eat for muscle gain, and you'll minimize that growth.

Now, having said all of this, its quite possibly that an imbalance in training is giving a muscle growth imbalance and thus gives you those 'big shoulders'. You need to ask yourself (since nobody here knows for sure) if you are properly and evenly training the whole body.
it could also be that you are genetically gifted in the shoulders and they just like to grow. I have HUGE calves...which makes my thighs look small...and almost like I have chicken legs. Because of this I don't train my calves often with direct work, and instead just work them with my compound leg exercises instead.
thanks for the response. sounds like i gota stop the bingin. jus found out yesterday that hospital has a date for my bunion surgery. lol hopefully my next post wont be bout how to lose all the weight i hav aquired since
hey i totally agree with deceptimod up there. Muscle can be maintained for 3-4 weeks without working out, IF provided with sufficient fuel, and by fuel i mean, protein, carbs, and enough calories. We are genetically made to be quick and fast, not big and bulky, thats why it takes so much effort to force on weight and muscle, because the body is not made for that, its all about survival. about your shoulders, muscle `deteriorates`evenly you won`t notice a huge loss