Sport Will my body be able to shape into better form without a calorie deficit?

Sport Fitness

I have some layer of body fat left, although it not being much seeing as my abs can be seen partially when I am at a resting posture, but this layer is preventing me from finally looking ripped. I also have to fix my chest and front shoulder muscles as I neglected them when I started doing weak workout routines in my beginner stages of body building about 2 years ago, the imbalance doesn't look that out of place as my weak routines 2 years ago consisted of a meager pair of 10lb. dumbbells.

Now I have finally kicked the crap out of my cravings and have finally managed to limit myself to nothing but fruits and healthy lean foods (fish, chicken breast, brown rice, whole wheat bread etc.) every day. It has been 1 week on my new diet lifestyle, and I am never going back to my old diet....EVER. I will admit to you all that my craving will literally drive me insane if I don't quench it once in awhile which is why I choose to eat 1 deli chocolate muffin per week. I have decided to eat this one cheat treat every Friday morning.

I eat 5 meals a day, 2-3 hours apart each with the goal of bulking. The only saturated fat I get is from Smuckers natural peanut butter, and I keep the amount of peanut butter I ingest daily to 2 tbsp. I do not take in any other saturated fat unless of course it is found in whatever lean meat etc. I eat, unless lean meat don't have saturated fat.....don't know much about that. Everything I eat that can be whole wheat is whole wheat. I am also gonna try eating oatmeal soon too.

Now sorry for the essay, but I was wondering with my new diet and now drastically improved and upgraded workout routine, will it be possible for my body to become more lean and look better if I am bulking? If I am bulking I won't be losing the body fat, which sucks, but I always hoped that my new muscle mass would negate the body fat..

Anyone have any info?

heLlo, i kinda skimmed through that.....what exactly is ur goal? to gain muscle mass, or to cut up
To gain muscle mass due to my undeveloped chest and shoulder muscles, but I was hoping that since they are undeveloped and I started working them with my new free weights that they would develop in due time soon enough. I seriously never used to do anything but bicep and upper back workouts for a long time (like I said, a weak workout), due to not doing any research on body building. I just jumped right in and thought if I work those muscles, I would eventually look built all over, that of course is not the case.

I used to lift 2 20 lb. dumbbells. Now I have 85 lbs. of scaleable free weight with a 6 foot 15 lb. barbell and 2 3lb. dumbbell bars. I am now bench pressing 60 lbs. this week, and I am increasing that amount 5 lbs. eack week until I finally bench the full 100 lbs. I also use 2 30 lb. dumbbells for other workouts such as shoulder presses and bent over rows.

P.S - I am 5'11, 140 lbs, age 20.
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Well just wanted to know if it was possible to get into better shape if I am bulking, since I have some body fat and bulking will gain me a bit more body fat.

I was hoping finally sticking to this diet with my new workout will make me more fit even if I am bulking.
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stick to the diet a few more weeks and you'll see a change. from what i read youve only been doing this diet a week? if so within a month you'll see great improvements but be patient and try not to cheat too often(the begining is the hardest time)
I am so far 2 1/2 weeks into this diet. It's not that brutal, and fruits are as delicious as ever.

I think I finally see positive results, my abs seem to show a bit more. I can be at a resting stance and see a toned core peeking out.

My abs seem to be pumping out though. To describe it, instead of my chest building up and my abs being flat and chiseled, it seems my abs (upper especially) are growing with the chest. I work my abs by using free weights, the only ab workout I don't use weights on are dragon flags.

I do not mind the pumped out abs, IMO the Kurt Angle look is pretty cool.
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