Will loose skin ever go away? Help!!!!!


I'm 26 years old and weigh about 235lbs. I have been overweight nearly
all my life. Do think with the combine of Green smoothie, Green Juice,
Wheatgress, MSM, Organic Raw Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, 3 liter
of water and 1 hour of weight training will help me reverse and
tighten my loose skin on my arms and thighs? What should I do? I need

The only advice i can offer is loose weight slowly about 1 - 2lb per week and keep up with the exercises. I do kettle bell (kettlercise) and it has made a huge difference to my under arms (bingo wings) and the tops of my thighs. It is a great all over workout.
Hope this helps

In my opinion dieting and regular exercise will surely help. But before choosing a good diet plan you need to consider questions such as – how active are you? Do you overeat? What kind of lifestyle you lead? Etc. You need to understand that losing weight is not easy and that you need total commitment to successfully pull it off.

<various links to diet plans were posted which break forum rules>
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I think it is quicker if I just summarize the main steps to avoid lose skin:

1. Drink tons of water
2. Eat right after workout cottage cheese, legums, tofu, milk, beans, seeds, nuts and fish. They contain collagene and elastine that help the skin elasticity.
3. Work on building muscles (at least at some level)
4. Exfoliate your skin daily to remove dead skin cells and to help circulation
5. Use creams that contain aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, yeast extract, vitamin E, C and A.
This tells me what I wanted to know. I'll give it more time in hopes that everything tightens up. As an endurance athlete adding more muscle isn't a good option for me. But hey, a year and a half ago I was seeing the oncologist and this last weekend I ran a 6:46 pace to take fourth place a race.