will i lose weight?

well i started to do a regular routine of 50 push-ups then some reps of bench press about 150 pounds then curls of 40 pounds then i run about 1 and half miles but i run like 1 mile and walk the rest of the half will i lose weight quick doing this everyday or should i step it up and do more?
don't do it everyday. Try doing the weight part 3 or 4 days of the week and the running 3 days per week.

Instead of miles, think in terms of time. 1.5 miles prolly takes you about 16 minutes with your walking. You should push past that distance and shoot for 40 minutes. This will take time, but work up to 40+ minutes of running.

BTW - running on an empty stomach may eventually burn muscle along with fat. But, you will lose weight.

Diet is the key to burning fat. Drink lots of water throughout the day. and, most of all, (broken record here) cut out ALL trans fats.
In order to lose weight you have to loss more calories then you consume. You need to look online and find out what amount of calories you need to maintain your weight. After that subtract that number by 500 and then that is the amount of calories you should eat. Do this for 1 week and you should lose 1-2 pounds that is if you keep on doing steady cardio and eating right to keep your metabolism high so your body doesn't adjust to the new calorie deflict. Hope this helps.

* To lose fat running you have to run more then 20 minutes. For each additional minute you will lose fat instead of glycose.