Will i lose weight like this?


New member

Right now i weight 106.5 Kg and 80cm tall.
And my goal is to go below 100 Kg and see if i can do it.

My question is: Will i lose weight if i stopped consuming fast food and junk food only?
Cause i feel like i have to go 100% strict mode to lose weight and i always end up eating alot when something i like is front of me.. lol

My plan is: 1- Eat fruits for breakfast.
2- Salmon/Chicken breast/Tuna and veggies for launch.
3- Soup or yoghurt and fruits.

Also is it ok to eat alot of fruits through out the day or not? asking this since they contain sugar. also i exercise everyday in a Crossfit gym.
Indirectly, probably. The problem with fast food, besides how unhealthy it is for food quality, it is the amount of calories. So, if you end up eating less calories by not eating fast food, then yes, you will lose weight.

If you are looking to lose weight, fruits (and fruit juices) contain a lot of calories, so it's all about moderation.
You should also try to cut out the sugar. It's best to stay as close to 0 grams of sugar per day. Natural sugars like in fruits are okay, but it would really be best to instead of just junk food, also cut out on the lemonades and sodas to begin with.