Looking for an honest answer here about the benefits of Yoga. I am doing my weight training and currently in a bulking phase.
They run Yoga classes at my gym for free, if I was to fit one of these hour sessions in during the week, is it a waste of an hour that I could be doing something more productive.
I'm thinking about are there any benefits to either one of the other the body or mind or even both?
As far as I know pilates would be good for flexibility, but isn't Yoga just about relaxation more than anything?
Do people that go to Yoga find it helps them relax? How about doing the session after a full body workout each monday to chill out?
I already do 3 x full body workouts a week and 2 or 3 sessions of cardio on my off days, but nothing to intense, just to keep the metabolism going and get rid of some stress.
Looking for an honest answer here about the benefits of Yoga. I am doing my weight training and currently in a bulking phase.
They run Yoga classes at my gym for free, if I was to fit one of these hour sessions in during the week, is it a waste of an hour that I could be doing something more productive.
I'm thinking about are there any benefits to either one of the other the body or mind or even both?
As far as I know pilates would be good for flexibility, but isn't Yoga just about relaxation more than anything?
Do people that go to Yoga find it helps them relax? How about doing the session after a full body workout each monday to chill out?
I already do 3 x full body workouts a week and 2 or 3 sessions of cardio on my off days, but nothing to intense, just to keep the metabolism going and get rid of some stress.