will bowflex make more heavier selecttech dumbells?

bowflex selecttech dumells are gereat. but only 52.5 lbs.
will they make more heavier dumebells? anyone heard something about it?
Don't know, but here is an alternative.
is poweblock bulky? there are two sets. personal and elite.
i need elite set. but it seems bigger than personal set.. do u recommend elite series(5 lbs to 90 lbs)?
Just recently ordered a set of Powerblock 5-90 Elite dumbbells. Following is just a copy/paste of what I wrote somewhere else.

I looked at Bowflex Selectech, Stamina Versabell, Ironmaster Quicklock and Powerblocks.

: I had the chance to see these in a store. I wasn't impressed. $399 for 52lbs is alot, but what is worse was that the thing had problems catching on to the weights I dial in. In most cases, turning the knob, selecting a weight resulted in me picking up only the handles. Possibly the display model was broken, but that does not bode well for durability. Honestly, it just looked like a poor design to me.

: I liked these better then the Bowflex junk, but that is not saying much. Once again it is limited to 50lbs with no ability to increase in weight, but at least it only cost $279. I think they only increment in 10lbs, so that is not so good. It's a solid design, but leaves alot to be desired.

: These are pretty decent. 5-75lbs for $429 with the ability to increase to 120lbs for an additional $179. They are basically a spindal handle, but it locks into the handle so the handle is never any longer then the plates. It's durable looking and pretty much same as buying a dumbbell handle with a star lock and plates, but more clean design. Changing weights requires you to unscrew each lock, put on whatever weight plate you need to get to the weight you want and screw the locks back on. You'll still have weight plates to contend with as well. I like it, but I like powerblocks more.

: 5-50lbs elite for $349 (cheaper then bowflex, much better design and can be upgraded to higher weights), can increase in weight to 130lbs. I opted for the 5-90lbs set for $549. I read many many reviews about these, nearly all of them were good. Weights are changed simply by pulling a locking pin. Many people have owned these for years and reported they are very durable.

For a dumbbell bench, I went with with the decline crunch, dip bar and chin-up attachments. Very space saving and sturdy looking design. Although I haven't seen this bench in person, I am very impressed with what I have read and its adaptabilty, hopefully it lives up to my expectations.

For limited space, this is a very good set-up I think. Dumbbells can provide all the workout equipment you need. A full blown cage system might be better, but not everyone has the space or are inclined to let their home gym take over their home. I have tried Bowflex resistent rod and similar benchs and I really didn't like them. Besides not liking how they feel, they also took up quit a bit of space and were an ungainly sight to behold.

These dumbbells along with a bench that allows me to do dips and pull-ups are pretty much all I need in a very compact set-up.

bowflex selecttech dumells are gereat. but only 52.5 lbs.

Before I knew there were other (and MUCH better ) options or seen and used them in person or read anything about them that wasn't written by them, someone selling them or someone getting paid to advertise them in their magazine, I thought that as well. I would suggest you go to your local sports store ( Like sports authority), likely you can see a floor model. The Selectech will always be one length, even when you drop down to its lowest weight, it will be the same length as if it had all weights on it. Not a problem technically, but just an ugly design I think.

is poweblock bulky? there are two sets. personal and elite.

Here is a link to a pic of Selectechs side-by-side to powerblock as well as hex and fixxed dumbbells

Personally, I like the powerblocks much better. They don't take up anymore space then they have to, very compact.

I think personal sets are limited to 60lbs. Believe you buy those as 5-45lbs, then can upgrade to 60lbs.

Elites are the new models from when they had Pro's. You can buy elite as 5-50lbs, 5-90lbs or 5-130lbs. If you buy the 5-50lbs set, you can buy upgrade plates later to get you to 5-90 or 130.

If you have to ask if 100lbs dumbells will be heavy enough for most things, then yes, it will be (barring squats/deadlifts). I will upgrade my 5-90lbs to 130s sooner or later, but I doubt I will ever see the need to have more then 130lbs dumbbels and if you look at most commercial gyms, many only have DBs up to 100lbs and they are used by 1% of the people there (guessing). I don't know why people say you will quickly grow into needing more then 100lbs dumbbells. I can see outgrowing 50lbs fairly fast, but once you start getting into 70lbs or so, it's a real struggle and alot of time trying to go to higher weights on DBs for most people.
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I just got a set of the bowflex selecttech dumbells. 52.5 pounds each. To be honest that is heavy enough to do any exercise and gain lots of muscle, with the exception of chest presses. And you can just buy a cheap bar and lots of weight for that. The dumbells are great tons of exercises to do.

The dvd is also awesome. over 60 exercise fully explained and alternations for each exercise. 90 minutes long. but its a dvd so theres a great menu option to go to the exercise you want. Watch it and do it.

And for the person saying the dumbells didn't pick up right he is wrong. They always pick up the exact weight you pick. And cheap? no there sturdy and they come with a 5 year warranty so you don't have too much to worry about.

I'd recommend buying them from always free shipping all the time.
i bought bowflex selecttech too. but they didnt give me dvd :(
but i liked them. yes they re a little low for chest presses..
Fulman where did you buy them from. I got them directly from bowflex when they were having their big sale and free shipping. Originally I didn't get the dvd or manual. So i called them up and they said they were sorry they forgot to send it. So they ended up sending it to me. I really feel its a must have. Even if you didn't buy from bowflex.com give them a call and work something out. The dvd is called "Secrets to the 4 step rep"

Call 1-(800) 269-3539 to speak to a bowflex customer service rep. Let me know how it turns out.
oh all right lol