wii fit


New member
i finally after much searching got one for my daughter,it looks very cool
i may have to try it and add it to my dieting and cardio workouts
anyone else have one
the review on it from gamespot was interesting
No but my wife really wants one. Let me know what you think. The reveiws I have read it is a fun game and can offer some decent light exercise. I know I have done Wii sports at 100% before and it can be a hell of a cardio work-out.
I've got one - or rather, my mom has one that I go over and use.

Yoga: doesn't work up a sweat, too much transition time between poses. But IMHO it's a decent pre-workout stretch. I usually do a full sweep through the yoga before I do strength work.

Strength: really focussed on core muscles, particularly abs. The feedback (both the visual and the scoring) make it easier to get your form right. Not all of it feels like "work," but I'm drenched in sweat by the end. Because the exercises are body-weight ones, you can do your own workout away from the game once you know how to do the moves. Many exercises are amenable to modifications that make them easier ("girl" pushups, holding on to something as needed for the one-legged ones), so people with no prior experience can ease in slowly. I wish there were a way to turn the annoying yammering off. Still a lot of transition time, but the exercise time is longer, and a break is welcome.

Aerobics: I suck at these, because they require more coordination than I have. Hula hoop will wear you out fast. My favorite is the boxing one, but it doesn't get your heartrate up. I can't do the step aerobics, because the FitBoard is too wide, and I can't step far enough off of it. Plus I have no rhythm. DDR still wins for that. Running in place is really hard on my knees compared to running outside on a dirt trail. Plus the distance run is way off - it gives me 4 or 5 miles in 30 minutes, whereas my actual running speed is about 11 minutes a mile (so less than 2.75 miles) - and running at that speed for 30 minutes is much, much, much harder than running in place with the Wii is.

Balance: IMHO doesn't count as exercise. Although my favorites (slalom skiing and ski jump) do involve a lot of squatting, and I do feel it in my thighs. A good cool-down.