My wife (who is 32) was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the beginning of this year. She is quite thin and (aside from having a pancreas that longer produces insulin) quite healthy. In any case, she has recently complained that her new low-carb diet (lots of meat, nuts, cheese, yogurt, greens, spinach, and broccoli and not a lot of grains---moderately high in fiber, high in fat and protein, and low in carbs) causes more frequent need to go #2. Having to get up in the middle of the night for this reason makes it more difficult to sleep well and have a good, regular sleep schedule, and the general feeling she gets in her lower digestive tract is an icky (although not painful) feeling that she does not enjoy. For what it's worth, my diet is very similar to hers, and it does not make me feel uncomfortable. Based on the sort of diet she has, can anyone identify why she might be having these problems and what she should add or subtract from her diet to make her feel better?