Sport Why you're wasting money on water

Sport Fitness
Kind of an irony that I was drinking a bottle of water as I read that article.. hmm
Old news is old. I remember reading about the dangers of bottled water before I could drive a car, and I'll be 32 in a week.

YEAH!!! what he said!

get current already!


personally I love bottled water-- the lil sayings and stuff make me laugh, and I need a container I can throw off on the side of the road and litter with.

OH- and I also like ot refill them until I get hepititis, cuz I love gettign shots.

Bottled water rules the universe!

or NOT


my rant for the day

Old news. In most parts of the US, the tap water is perfectly fine to drink, so there is no need for bottled water for general use. Filling your own reusable water bottles from the tap is much less expensive (and much more environmentally friendly) than buying bottled water.

Now, if you are in a poor country with pathogens in the tap water, or in an airplane where they may not be able to scrub the water tanks completely enough, then bottled water may be necessary if you cannot boil the tap water.
i don't buy bottled water unless i'm out and need water. we have a filter in our fridge anyway which is the same thing. but i also have no problem drinking from the tap